How to Identify Household Product Warning Signs for the Kindergarten Grades
- 1). Compile common words, such as poison, danger, warning, caution, flammable, and corrosive, that appear on harmful household products.
- 2). Find and print colored warning symbols that correspond to your list of words, such as the skull and crossbones for poison.
- 3). Cut out the colored warning symbols, glue the symbols onto colored construction paper and write the corresponding word and what it means on the back of the card.
- 4). Use flashcards to teach children to identify the pictures and words. If children cannot yet read, use the flashcards to make sure they understand the symbol and what it means.
- 5). Practice using the flashcards each day or once a week until the children can tell you what all the symbols and words mean.
- 6). Discuss how household products can harm your body.
- 7). Instruct children to stay away from areas where hazardous products are found, such as the garage or under the sink. Teachers should send home to parents a reminder about keeping such products locked up and away from children.
- 8). Tell kindergartners what to do if someone is harmed by one of the products. Instructions should include telling an adult or calling 911.