Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

If You Wear Glasses Long Enough, Will Your Vision Improve? - Vision Improvement Tips and Tricks

Someone told me that if you've always worn glasses all the time, on a regular basis, (say around age of 12-16) then it will improve your vision and you might not have to wear them when you're older. Is that really true? And if it is, how long would it take?

If you have a poor vision, and have been making some research online of ways to naturally improve your eyesight, then there is a good chance you've stumbled on websites where people ask questions as the one asked above. Most these people are those who suffering with a poor vision and would want to correct or improve it. I have been there too, so I know exactly how it feels to have a poor-eyesight. In this article, I will through more light on this subject, and also provide links to internet resources you can use to help you get a better vision.

Actually, no: Glasses do help in the short term, but in the long run, your eyes get worse, and I believe that. If you keep going to eye exams, the optometrist will most likely say your vision's getting worse. I don't want to sound all sponsor-like, but I found some books that can improve your eyesight the natural way.

Glasses and contacts, however, slow down your vision changing significantly as they reduce strain on your eyes.

Yes, it is possible for your vision to just improve completely or by a little but this is very rare. I know a few who claimed they completely 'grew out' of it but I'm still doubting whether they're lying or not.

The best way to stop your vision changing will be to take short regular breaks from any activity involving the eyes at hourly intervals and during this time to look as far as possible, relaxing your eyes' muscles.

Glasses do not have anything to do with whether your eyes get better or worse. The need for glasses comes from the shape of you eyeball (not perfectly round), or from the lens losing flexibility (this would require a bi-focal) and does not usually occur until late middle age. Your eyes will get better or worse on their own, because the glasses are just shifting light. They cannot change the physical shape of your eyes.

Do you want to discover how to improve your vision using nothing but naturally proven techniques which are Safe, simple yet very effective? If yes, then you need to a copy of the Vision Without Glasses Guide.

Click here ==> Vision Without Glasses, to discover what you can do so as to naturally enhance your eye sight.

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