Business & Finance Careers & Employment

4 Steps to Follow in Order to Get an Advantage in Pay Check Negotiation

Have you ever thought that getting the pay check you deserve it's not so easy? A great percentage of business people do not really get what they deserve due to lack of negotiating skills on the time of pay check agreement.
Just imagine the disappointment you get when you realise that you could have bought the car that you really liked but you didn't because you didn't negotiate your pay check.
The feeling you get when you understand that you could have followed a different approach in order to accomplish your goal more efficiently.
So, here are 4 steps to follow in order to get an advantage in pay check negotiation: 1.
Introduce yourself.
As they say the beginning is always the difficult part.
So, the first impression must be really good.
After all you don't have a second chance to make a good first impression! You must introduce yourself first, look straight to the eyes the person you are talking to and give a strong handshake.
Promote yourself.
In order to promote yourself in the most appropriate way you must first consider whether the person you are talking to knows about you.
In most cases that you are talking to new potential employers etc you must speak a lot about yourself.
You must speak about your studies, job positions, career paths, hobbies etc.
In other words you must be prepared to basically speak out your CV.
That way, the people you are talking to will easily (without having to read a CV for example) learn about you.
Despite that, you will point out directly your verbal skills.
Be informed on your interlocutor.
You must be informed on the business around your interlocutor.
You must be able to speak about his business, be informed on economical stats concerning his business etc.
Be a good negotiator.
At that time, you most probably have been in the position to know whether or not you are going to get the job.
The moment of pay check negotiation has arrived.
If all the steps above were easy this one is the trickiest one.
You will probably be asked what the pay check that you wish is.
You must be really confident on your answer but do not forget that a good negotiator always brings into light a couple of other issues i.
you may negotiate about bonus or extra health insurance.
If you present yourself as a good negotiator, your interlocutor will most probably respect the fact that you really can trust yourself and you will have the desired outcome at the end of the day.
As you can understand, these steps are just a small hint in order to succeed at this goal.
Possibly you have your own "tricks" and "DOs" as well.
Follow each of these steps and I am pretty sure that the outcome will satisfy you by all means.
Don't forget to read part II of the series "How to become a successful consultant step by step" at "How to become a successful consultant step by step: Part II.
10 must do tips at your first month on the job.

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