Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Making the Laws of Attraction Work in Your Life

A lot of my clients tell me they are interested in learning more about the Law of Attraction and want to know how they can get it to work for them.
The spiritual leaders say that this law affects us everyday whether we are aware of it or not.
Just like there is a law of gravity, there is a law of attraction.
They say that we are constantly attracting positive and negative situations without even realizing it.
The advantage of knowing and understanding how this law works is that you once you understand it, you will have more control and be able to attract more of what you want and be able to release more of what you don't want.
Haven't you ever noticed that when things go well, you feel like you are on a roll and start hitting all the green traffic lights? You must also have noticed the reverse, that when you wake up in a bad mood, you may also feel rushed, or late or find yourself meeting unpleasant people.
This momentum continues often throughout the day and only stops once you go to sleep.
That's the law of attraction in action.
We love the law of attraction when it is bringing good things to us.
When we get good news, and then get a rebate in the mail.
When we see that gas prices has gone down and our favorite store has the very shoes we love, on sale.
That's when we love and embrace this law of attraction.
This law works like a magnet.
It doesn't judge whether or not we want it, whether we are right or wrong, whether it is good or bad.
It just brings us more of whatever we are thinking or feeling.
It picks up our vibration, our inner feelings and moods and gives us more of the same.
If we wake up in a good mood, we have started a positive momentum.
If we wake up remembering the fight we had last night, and that we are right and he/she is wrong, then we are attracting more of the same.
That's just the way it works.
Why not make it work for you? How can we turn that negative momentum into a positive one? Look at the situation as similar to walking into a dark room.
When you walk in a room and notice that the room is dark, what do you do? Do you wander around banging into things, getting hurt and asking why are these things banging into me? What has this chair got against me? Or do just look for the light switch and turn it on? Of course, that's the first thing you do.
However, when it comes to our negative thoughts we continue thinking about them, justifying them and defending our right to hold onto the anger and disappointment.
This is how you create a momentum of negative attraction.
Our reactions are triggered so quickly, that often, we aren't even aware of what we are thinking.
But, you always know how you are feeling.
If you are feeling anger, resentment, sadness or any of the negative feelings, then that is what you are attracting and it will continue.
The Law of Attraction says whatever you focus on gets bigger.
The law works just the same if the thoughts are positive or negative.
You get to choose.
It can be a challenge to stop this momentum once you get started.
Most of us are wired needing to be right more than being happy.
You need to give that up if you want to change the momentum.
Once you decide it's more important to be happy, then there are several ways you can accomplish this.
You can get started by finding ways to distract yourself from the negative self-talk.
For example, spend time: - petting your cat, - walking your dog, - watching a funny show, - exercising, - meditation - going through photos of happier times - helping out a friend These positive distractions will shift your mood which will lead to a shift in attraction.
It is a simple thing to do, but not always an easy thing to do.
The greatest challenge to attracting positive experiences into your life, is releasing those negative thoughts.
Since the average person thinks 80,000 thoughts per day and over 85% of those thoughts are usually negative, most people do experience a momentum of negative thoughts.
Often they just continue with these thoughts until they grow into a rampage of anger, frustration, disappointment and tears.
While you may feel better in the moment of releasing all your frustration and pain; what you have also just accomplished is attracting more similar triggers to set you spinning again.
When you have learned the tools and techniques to "turn on the light" and are ready to use these techniques, you will find that after a little bit of practice, it gets easier and easier.
In time it will take less effort; you will notice your moods faster and it won't take a brick falling on your head to get the message.
Once you master this process, you will find that things tend to work out, you don't need to worry so much, life is safe and you will feel more relaxed, calmer, happier and more at peace.
Isn't that what we all want? As someone once said," Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy"? As Dr.
Phil often asked, " How is that working for you?" It's not about denying that there is a problem.
It's choosing where you plan to focus your time and energy.
As you focus more on the solutions and less on the problems you are turning things around.
As you continue to change the way you think and see things differently and in a more positive light, you will start to attract more positive situations into your life.
Studies have shown that those who are more positive, kinder, more compassionate and forgiving are also happier with their life and this appreciation contributes to their feeling that their life is fulfilling.
That is real happiness.
So, what are we to do? Bad things do happen and we can't pretend that they don't upset or challenge us.
This is true.
But it is how we deal with it and how long we spin in the negative feelings that determine what we will be attracting in the future.
Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? It is your choice.
You are the one in charge of what you are attracting into your life.
Empowerment Quote If you intend to be of assistance, your eye is not upon the trouble but upon the assistance, and that is quite different.
When you are looking for a solution, you are feeling positive emotion.
- but when you are looking at a problem, you are feeling negative emotion.

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