My Ceiling Fan With a Dimmer Switch Runs Slow
- The ceiling fan may be malfunctioning. Typically, a ceiling fan runs at different speeds by tapping into different portions of its internal motor windings through a capacitor. If these windings or the capacitor are shorted, electricity can take an improper path, making the fan run slower. Such a fan presents a fire hazard and requires replacement.
- Most ceiling fans have a switch for choosing different running speeds. If the switch is set on a slow speed or is malfunctioning, the fan will run slow regardless of the dimmer switch setting. To correct this problem, either select a different speed or replace the switch.
- Dimmer switches used for lighting are not voltage-rated for ceiling fans. Using one can damage the fan's motor windings with unpredictable result, such as running slow or starting a fire. If the switch is not specifically rated for use with ceiling fans, it and the damaged fan require immediately replacement.