Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Don"t Abuse Legal Drugs

Everybody knows that drugs are bad, and should be avoided at all costs.
A drug user is immediately labeled as nothing more than a drug user, and society almost exiles him.
Most people don 't think of common-use chemicals as "real" drugs, because the general perception is that if it 's legal, it 's all OK.
For example, cigarettes are legal, but most smokers will not consider them a drug.
There are millions of smokers, although everyone knows that nicotine is an addictive substance and smoking leads to the untimely death of millions of people.
Alcohol is also legal (well, for adults anyway), but when it is consumed in excess it often has severe consequences.
Many times it is the main cause of domestic violence, sexual or child abuse, fatal traffic accidents, heart attacks or liver diseases.
And yet, it is not perceived as a drug.
Perhaps the most common of all legal drugs is caffeine.
Not only is it legal, but almost nobody thinks of its possible negative effects.
However, it interferes with brain chemicals and causes an agitated sleep, it raises blood pressure, and increases the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, and low-birth weight babies in pregnant women.
So if you think that if it 's legal, they 're not harmful drugs, think again.
They might not be comparable to heroine, cocaine, amphetamines or other illegal drugs, but they do have ill effects on your health.
These "safe" drugs can affect every aspect of your life.
Caffeine and nicotine stimulate the nervous system, making it more reactive to environmental provocation.
If you use them in excess and your nervous system gets ramped up, you 'll get far easier irritated, agitated and even angry; Alcohol generally makes people less inhibited, both emotionally and behaviorally; it can cloud or exaggerate a person 's perceptions, and makes people act in ways they would not if they were sober.
People who have consumed alcohol in excess are more likely to become violent; Both caffeine and alcohol, if used excessively, disrupt sleep patterns and lead to increased irritability; Alcohol can affect your mood, especially in terms of depression.
With too much alcohol, you can be celebrating one moment, and feeling completely depressed and crying the next, because alcohol messes with your mood.
In conclusion, even if such drugs are legal and are generally perceived as harmless, be careful not to use them in excess.
Any abuse may have serious consequences, affect your health and harm the people around you.
So even if you 're not addicted to any illegal substances, do not abuse the legal ones.

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