Charlie Pace"s Season 1 Island Stories
Episode 1x01, Pilot Part 1
Charlie helps Sayid build a bonfire to signal rescuers.He invites himself to go with Jack and Kate to find the transceiver in the front of the plane. Charlie is pleased to tell Kate that she must recognize him from his band, DriveShaft. He is the bassist. When they find the plane, Charlie disappears. He is found in the bathroom, searching for something. Charlie, Jack, and Kate flee the plane when some unseen force chases them.
Charlie falls and Jack goes back for him. Charlie finds Kate, but not Jack and when they double back to find Jack, they find the mutilated body of the pilot high up in a tree.
Episode 1x2, Pilot Part 2
Kate asks Charlie what he had been doing in the cockpit bathroom and he lies and says he was throwing up.Episode 1x3, Tabula Rasa
Charlie begins to form a bond with Claire as they collect luggage.Episode 1x6, House of the Rising Sun
Charlie sneaks into the jungle for a heroin fix and steps on a beehive. As the bees chase them, Kate finds two corpses in the caves. Charlie again sneaks away for a hit and Locke finds him and demands the drugs. Charlie reluctantly gives up the drugs and Locke points out Charlie's guitar on a cliff.Episode 1x7, The Moth
Charlie asks Locke for his drugs a second time and Locke gives him a moth metaphor.Charlie crawls through a hole to save Jack from a cave in. He asks Locke for his drugs a third time, and Locke gives them to him. Charlie burns the drugs.
Episode 1x8, Confidence Man
Charlie makes a deal with Claire that if he can find her some peanut butter she will move to the caves.Unsuccessful, he gives her a pretend jar and she agrees to move.
Episode 1x10, Raised by Another
Charlie believes that Claire is in danger and wants to protect her.Episode 1x11, All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues
Charlie is with Claire in the jungle when she goes into labor. Once the contractions pass and they believe it was a false alarm, they head back to the caves, but are stopped by Ethan.Charlie is found by Kate and Jack hanging by his neck from a tree and Jack is barely able to bring him back to life.