What Foods is Alpha Lipoic Acid In?
There are a lot of foods that alpha lipoic acid is in and this is good to know because this vitamin gives many health advantages to whoever consumes it. Lipoic acid has been known to really help people who have high blood sugar levels and diabetes.
It also a great nifty tool to help people lose weight because one of its main jobs is to convert fat and calories into burnable energy. Other effects of lipoic acid that can be awesome is by repairing cells that can help with good looking skin, fighting cancer and it can be put to use to give someone energy.
One food that has a lot of alpha lipoic acid in it is broccoli. Yea, I know some of you are thinking that the food is horrible to eat. However, I try to mix broccoli with other things to eat and it sort of sneaks in there without me noticing it. If you do love the taste of broccoli than that is awesome for you.
Steak is another source that has this nutrient. If you love cooking steak than I'm with you, I don't eat as much as I would like but it's great, especially when marinated. One of the reasons that steak has a lot of this nutrient is because the cells of the muscle have a lot of mitochondria. It makes sense because muscle needs energy, right?
Peas have this as well. In fact I hate peas and never eat them, how about you? If you like spinach then you're in luck because it has bunch of alpha lipoic acid. I enjoy throwing spinach on a grilled cheese sandwich and who can forget putting it on lasagna or pizza. Other foods that have it as well would be yeast in bread products, liver, and brussel sprouts.
I do take a supplement to get the power that this vitamin can give. You can get it through food, however let's be honest it's probably a whole lot easier just to pop a pill in your mouth and get the recommended doses everyday rather than try to eat the perfect diet daily.
When picking a company I would go with one that has been in business for a long time. They should also have a few credentials that support their quality, that way they can't make stuff up just to get sales. These would be pharmaceutical GMP compliance, and a Certificate of Analysis. To learn more info. about this as well as where I get my supplement from click on www.increasemyhealth.net..
It also a great nifty tool to help people lose weight because one of its main jobs is to convert fat and calories into burnable energy. Other effects of lipoic acid that can be awesome is by repairing cells that can help with good looking skin, fighting cancer and it can be put to use to give someone energy.
One food that has a lot of alpha lipoic acid in it is broccoli. Yea, I know some of you are thinking that the food is horrible to eat. However, I try to mix broccoli with other things to eat and it sort of sneaks in there without me noticing it. If you do love the taste of broccoli than that is awesome for you.
Steak is another source that has this nutrient. If you love cooking steak than I'm with you, I don't eat as much as I would like but it's great, especially when marinated. One of the reasons that steak has a lot of this nutrient is because the cells of the muscle have a lot of mitochondria. It makes sense because muscle needs energy, right?
Peas have this as well. In fact I hate peas and never eat them, how about you? If you like spinach then you're in luck because it has bunch of alpha lipoic acid. I enjoy throwing spinach on a grilled cheese sandwich and who can forget putting it on lasagna or pizza. Other foods that have it as well would be yeast in bread products, liver, and brussel sprouts.
I do take a supplement to get the power that this vitamin can give. You can get it through food, however let's be honest it's probably a whole lot easier just to pop a pill in your mouth and get the recommended doses everyday rather than try to eat the perfect diet daily.
When picking a company I would go with one that has been in business for a long time. They should also have a few credentials that support their quality, that way they can't make stuff up just to get sales. These would be pharmaceutical GMP compliance, and a Certificate of Analysis. To learn more info. about this as well as where I get my supplement from click on www.increasemyhealth.net..