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Board game accessories and gears

Do you love board games? Do you love carom? is the right place for you then.  If you have always looked to give your board games that professional touch, or you are a professional looking for some good equipment, or you want to turn professional but don't know where to start from, whatever you reason is, is the right place to be. We at this site will provide you with Board game accessories & gears that would suite your every need. When you are turning professional with your board games, especially for a game like carom, you need that extra something that would bring your game up. If you are looking for something to enhance your game then you can find your right equipment here.  We have everything from boards to strikers to carom powder that would give your game the professional touch.

The boards that are offer by us are of great quality. We know how important it is for a good game of carom to have a good quality board. Therefore we make sure that every board that we ship has passed out stringent quality and inspection before we send them to you. There are a lot of treatments done on the boards as well as polishing and varnishing that would result in the smoothness of the board that would last. The surface of the board is so smooth that with just a little addition of potato starch or carom, the sliding of the coins would increase drastically. The boards that we make are large and wide. The rebound rates are tested for accuracy and are always consistent so that you can always get the striker to where you want to go on the board.

The coins and strikers that are offered by us are of tournament quality. These have gained eminence by being used in various reputed competitions and delivering quality results. Our boards normally do not require any further varnishing. However you should make sure that you maintain the condition for the board for improved quality. The extra powder must always be wiped off the board and the board should always be protected with covers.

Apart from carom, there are also various other quality board games that are offered by our site. Some of them include business king, chess, snakes and ladders and also magnetic chess. Each of them is a top notch tested products that have done very well in the market. You can order all these products online and have them delivered to your home. So if you have a tournament coming up and are looking for something to enhance your game with or perhaps just thinking of gifting someone something special, our site is sure to meet all your requirements.

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