Exercises That Enlarge Buttocks
- This exercise can be performed at home or in the gym, and it is ideal for beginners as well as for those who are advanced, since you are able to use your own body weight or add ankle weights for a more challenging exercise. The movement within this exercise will target the gluteus maximus as well as hamstring muscle groups. If you have injured your lower back, pay special attention to the movements within this exercise and safeguard your back by not adding additional weight to your legs.
To begin this exercise, start by lowering your body to the ground, so you are resting on all fours. Make sure that your arms are shoulder-width apart and your elbows are slightly bent. Your lower body will be resting on your knees, thus if you have any knee issues, place a small towel or pillow under them for support. Begin this exercise by raising your left leg into the air, keeping your knee bent at a 90-degree angle. Point your toes toward the ceiling. The movement will look as if you are trying to flex your hamstring like it was your arm bicep. Raise your left leg into the air as high as you can go without placing too much strain on your lower back. Slowly lower your leg back, so it is parallel with your back. Perform a total of 15 repetitions before carefully bringing your elbows to the ground and lowering your upper body. Keep your left leg in the same position during this transition, and then execute 15 more repetitions. You will notice when your upper body is inclined toward the floor, your gluteus maximus muscles are further isolated for a more intense exercise. After you have completed the second set on your left leg, switch legs and repeat the same movements on the right leg. - This exercise uses the standard squatting movement with the use of a barbell or dumbbells for added resistance. Throughout the movement you will not only be engaging your buttocks, but also your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and lower back. Choose a weight that is challenging, so you fatigue your buttocks within two sets.
Grab your weights. If you are using a barbell, rest the bar behind your neck on your shoulders, while keeping your palms facing forward and your thumbs pointing toward each other. If you are using dumbbells, hold the dumbbells at your sides with your palms facing your body and your thumbs pointing away from you. If this hand position is uncomfortable for you, bring your dumbbells together, so they meet at your stomach and hold them, so your palms are facing each other. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and squat down toward to the floor as if you were sitting in a chair. Make sure that your back remains straight and your head and chest are facing forward. Do not let your knees pass your toes, as this can place unnecessary strain on your lower back and knees. Perform a total of 20 repetitions and then take a one-minute rest before completing another set of 20 reps.