How to Make Scarecrows With Children
- 1). Lay the 6-foot stake on a table. This will be the body of the scarecrow. Measure about 10 inches down from the top of the stake and mark the location with a marker.
- 2). Place the 3-foot stake on the mark, laying it across the first stake. This will form the shoulder supports for the scarecrow's arms. Tie or nail the stake into place.
- 3). Measure halfway down from the second stake and mark that spot.
- 4). Position the 1-foot stake horizontally across the first stake, laying the stake on the mark you made. This will become the supports for the scarecrow's legs. Tie or nail the stake into place.
- 1). Cut the bottom off a pair of tights or pantyhose and turn it so the open end is pointing downward. You can also use a pillowcase turned upside down to form the head.
- 2). Paint a face on the scarecrow using exterior latex paint. Stuff the head with straw, pushing the straw in tightly to make a firm, round head.
- 3). Slip the open end of the head over the top of the tallest stake. Gather the excess material together in a bunch and tie the open ends tightly around the top of the stake.
- 1). Drape the shirt for your scarecrow over the support stake. Tie the open ends of the sleeves and the bottom of the shirt to the stake. Button the shirt up halfway. Stuff the shirt tightly with straw.
- 2). Fill the sleeves and belly area as firmly as possible. Finish buttoning the shirt.
- 3). Nail or tie the pants of your scarecrow to the bottom support. Firmly pack the legs with straw. Tie the open ends shut to keep the straw in.