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Single Russian Women - What Type of Woman is Online?

Join a foreign dating site featuring Russian or Ukrainian women and you might think you have accidentally found your way into a modelling site.
Browse through the site and hundreds of beautiful women of all ages will be staring back at you.
Surely not all Russian and Ukrainian ladies are this attractive so it must be a con, right? The answer is definitely no.
All but a handful of these women are genuine and are looking for love online.
And the women that are there to try and scam you are easy to spot anyway once you know how.
The answer to why all these women look so beautiful is simple - there is a gender imbalance in Russia.
No hard statistics are available, but it is commonly believed that there are only 88 single men for every 100 single women.
For any society, that is a huge gap that will take 20 or 30 years to balance out.
These women can choose to remain single (not ideal), date married men (even worse) or emigrate.
Russia's loss is an opportunity for your happiness.
So if Russian women are looking abroad for love, what is a typical profile you will find on a personals site? As with any civilization on this planet, the more attractive women have the most dating options.
If they can't find a suitable mate in their own city, then they have to expand their dating horizons.
Some will look to other cities such as Moscow or St Petersberg where there are more men.
And will look even further abroad and join an international dating agency.
The typical woman you will find is - Age 18 to 23 years old - 31.
9% 24 to 29 years old - 24.
8% 30 to 35 years old - 14.
8% 36 to 41 years old - 12.
6% 42 years and older - 15.
9% The majority of women on dating sites are under the age of 30.
But don't worry if you are older than 40.
It is socially acceptable in Russia for a woman to marry an older man and is quite common.
{A good rule of thumb is a maximum age gap of 15 years (10 years if she is 18 to 20).
|A useful guide for you is an age gap of up to 15 years.
If she is under 21 though, try 10 years unless you want her to wear you out or feel like a dirty old man.
Height 5'2" - 4.
1% 5'3" to 5'5" - 35.
9% 5'6" to 5'8" - 33.
4% 5'9" and taller - 26.
6% Russia is not necessarily a tall society, but it does show that tall attractive women are prepared to look abroad for love.
Her English Level Beginner Level - 57.
5% (knows how to pronounce English terms but will use a dictionary to help) Intermediate - 24.
9% (can hold a basic conversation - would quickly become proficient) Advanced - 8.
9% (can hold a good conversation without help) Fluent - 8.
7% (probably has a better vocabulary range than you do you but she will have an accent) Most women under the age of 30 who have attended university will have an intermediate English level or better as it is widely taught in all courses.
And the if she can talk at an intermediate level, she can probably write at an advanced or fluent level.
Her Education High school or trade qualified - 8.
2% College or University qualified - 91.
8% The vast majority of Russian women on a dating site have some form of education after leaving highschool

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