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The Frequency of Federal Elections in Australia

Within three years since the first meeting the Australia's new parliament is held the federal election.
This means that the life of any parliament since 1945 is just 2 and half years.
Traditionally, the general elections will be held by the time the Governor-General, appointed by the Queen of Great Britain, agrees to the request of the incumbent Prime Minister regarding the exact date of the election.
Since 1901 when the federation was first founded, the governing parliament will only be changed after five years of service to the people of Australia, however, the length of term of every parliament varied greatly as the years passed.
Mostly, the length of term is based on the status quo of the country.
During the war, the interests for politics have decreased considerably considering the fact that the state and the federal government cannot afford to change leaders in the midst of the crisis caused by war.
The political party which led a coalition and had the record of having the longest hold is the Liberal Party which has 23 years, from 1949 to 1972.
This, too, had great reasons why it happened.
Before the World War I, there were times that a governing party lasted only for about a year, but when the Second World War ended in 1945, there have been 7 changes that happened to the Parliament of Australia.
When stability was regained in Australia, new politicians came up to take a lead for the country under the sovereignty of the Queen Elizabeth II.
And it was only then that the state and the federal governments made the length of every term consistent until now.
During the election, all citizens have the right to choose the person whom they believe and think would be a great help for the country.
Australian are more concerned about their country considering the fact that their country is one of the most progressive countries in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Its economic status is far way too good when compared with the surrounding countries.
Thus, they cannot afford to put someone in position that cannot help country.
A person over 18 years of age is obliged to vote both for the state and the federal governments.
Should he fails to do so, he will be subject to fines or even prosecution for not exercising his right to help Australia have good leaders.
For them, having really good leaders is one way to easily make their lives easier.
This year, Australia will have to choose its new Prime Minister during the Federal Election in August.
It is one of the most important times in Australia wherein freedom will be manifested and exercised by everyone.
The 2010 Australian Federal Election will also be a great fight between the incumbent PM Julia Gillard and the Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

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