Health & Medical Hematopathy & blood disease

How to Lower Hba1c


    • 1). Test your HbA1c level. Schedule an appointment with your doctor to give a blood sample, or test your HbA1c with an at-home kit available for purchase at all major drugstores. It's best to get your results in consultation with your doctor to understand what they mean.

    • 2). Talk with your physician about what you can do to lower your HbA1c levels. An endocrinologist -- a special type of doctor who specializes in diabetes -- may be able to provide a higher degree of assistance. Never change your insulin levels or your diet without talking to your doctor first.

    • 3). Check your blood glucose more frequently. Test before, during, and after meals to see how eating affects your glucose. In order to lower your HbA1c, you need a better picture of how your blood sugar changes throughout the day, as there may be periods of time when you are running high that you're unaware of.

    • 4). Eat more foods that are low on the glycemic index. Consult a glycemic index chart (see Resources) to find out the GI values of different foods. Higher GI ratings mean the food is more likely to cause a blood glucose spike, which means excess sugar in the bloodstream that can bond with hemoglobin. Eating low-GI foods, which are absorbed more evenly, can lead to a lower HbA1c.

    • 5). Start or modify your insulin program, with the assistance of your physician. Insulin is responsible for regulating the amount of sugar in the bloodstream, so if you frequently have excess sugar, insulin is the best way to prevent future excesses and therefore lower your HbA1c.

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