Home & Garden Architecture

How to Lay and Acclimate Linoleum

    • 1). Bring the linoleum material inside the area where the installation is to take place. This allows the material time to acclimate to the temperature and humidity of the location. Keep the adhesive with the material to ensure similar temperatures at the time of installation.

    • 2). Clean the subfloor before installation. If the tile is going to be installed over existing flooring, ensure that the existing flooring has a good bond to the subfloor. In areas where the bond might be weak, remove the existing floor and level with a Portland cement filler. Sweep and vacuum the surface to eliminate as much dust as possible and further strengthen the bond.

    • 3). Establish centerlines as guides for the tile installation to follow. Mark the center point of two opposite walls with the same length. Snap a chalk line from these two points. Mark the center of the chalk line and use the carpenter's square, then establish perpendicular marks on both sides of the chalk line. Snap a perpendicular chalk line following these markings. Begin installation where the two lines intersect.

    • 4). Lay the linoleum tiles without adhesive. Use enough tiles to become confident in the direction you want to follow with installation.

    • 5). Spread the adhesive on the subfloor and install the tile. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the adhesive. The label should specify the size of trowel and flash dry times, if any. Use the 100-lb. roller to ensure the tile has been seated properly.

    • 6). Trim the border pieces to size, using the flooring utility knife. Be careful when cutting; linoleum is fairly brittle. Give the adhesive the proper amount of time to dry before traffic.

    • 7). Seal the linoleum with the liquid sealer. Apply the sealer according to the manufacturer's guidelines. Allow for the proper drying time before introducing traffic.

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