Home & Garden Gardening

How to Safely Use Garden Chemicals

Garden chemicals, most commonly known to us as pesticides, are chemical substances that are meant to prevent pest manifestation or kill currently present pests.
There are different types of garden chemicals such as insecticide, fungicide, bactericide, rodenticide, and herbicide, among others.
Insecticides are used specifically to kill insects.
Fungicides are used primarily to destroy fungal spores and mature fungi.
Bactericides kill bacteria.
Rodenticides are used to destroy rodents such as mice and rats.
And last but not the least, herbicides, also called weed killers, are used to remove unwanted weeds and other unwanted plants.
If proper use is incorporated in utilizing garden chemicals, these chemicals can perform their task of protecting your garden from damaging pests without affecting the health and safety of yourself, your plants and most especially of the entire environment.
If not used properly, pests might undergo super growth, plants may die, human health may be compromised and the world we live in may no longer be a place conducive to live in.
Before using garden chemicals, determine which types of pest infest your garden.
Once identified, purchase a garden chemical that is the least toxic.
When purchasing, choose those pesticides that no longer need mixing or those that are not concentrated.
Do not use pesticides if the weather is bad such as if it is raining or if winds are strong to prevent being spread by rain or winds.
After using pesticides on your garden, avoid watering unless it is really required to prevent its flow into water drains below the ground.
When applying garden chemicals, never put more than the amount required by the label.
Cover yourself entirely with protective clothing such as footwear, shirt with long sleeves, pants, eye goggles and mask, among others indicated on the chemical's label.
Do not transfer the chemicals in a different container which can confuse other people who do not know that it contains chemicals.
Always put a label to the chemical's container and store it in a place that is hard to reach by children.
Since some chemicals require mixing such as the concentrated forms, measuring tools are needed.
Do not forget to also keep these in a place where it will not be confused with food measuring tools.
When you know how to properly use garden chemicals, you will be able to maximize on their benefits.
Just remember to follow the safety guidelines mentioned in this article.

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