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Hangover Prevention Treatment and Remedies

Probably at some point in life you woke up with a terrible headache specific to a hangover.
In itself, it's not a serious condition, disappearing in a few hours, but it is an indication that you drank too much, or without being careful what you drank.
There are several home remedies that can help in such cases.
Hangover depends on the amount and type of alcohol consumed.
Symptoms include headache, nausea and dizziness.
Alcohol dilates blood vessels, and an excessive dilatation can cause a headache.
It also has a dehydration effect, because it stimulates the kidneys to eliminate more water from the body than usual.
Several factors influence the rate at which alcohol is absorbed from the digestive system into the bloodstream.
The food found in the stomach can slow down the absorption.
Research shows that a higher body weight determines a longer time to absorb alcohol.
A woman has a higher alcohol level in the blood than a man of the same weight, who drank the same amount of alcohol.
This is explained by the fact that women produce a smaller amount of enzyme that decomposes alcohol.
Frequent or persistent hangovers are a sign that you should drink less.
High amounts of alcohol drunk regularly are doing permanent damage to health - can affect the liver, for example, or may increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer.
Hangover prevention Besides the advice to not drink too much, there are other strategies to prevent a hangover.
  • Eat something before or while you drink, to slow down alcohol absorption.
  • Reduce the amount ingested simply by taking small and rare sips, so that the drink lasts longer; alternate alcoholic with non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Don't mix drinks and avoid those to which you don't react good.
    Some find that they are experiencing a hangover faster if they drink cheap red wine (because of the high amount of adhesives) or a stronger wine, like sherry (due to its high natural flavors and dyes).
  • Avoid dehydration by drinking a lot of water before or after you consumed alcohol.
Hangover treatment
  • First drink a big glass of water to quickly replace the lost fluids.
  • Replace the lost nutrients, like magnesium and potassium, with a mixture of milk and bananas.
  • Don't drink something else, because you will only achieve an extension or a worsening of symptoms.
  • Don't drink coffee.
    It has no use and it will make you agitated.
    In addition, it produces dehydration.

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