Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Save My Marriage - When it Seems That I"m the Only One Trying

Ending a marriage ranks up there with some of the most traumatic experiences you'll face in life.
Even the marriages that should come to an end hurt when they finally do.
The most unfortunate are the relationships that really could work if they just had a little effort and willingness to learn on both sides.
Wherever the faults lie in your marriage, you need to truly examine whether you're in love with your partner or not.
From the step one point of view, it really means everything.
After you know your true feelings for your partner you go to the next step.
If you're not in love with your partner, or if you know your partner doesn't love you, then you may want to call it an end.
Your partner and you deserve to find a loving relationship.
It's a basic requirement for happiness.
If you are in loving relationship (and yes - even rocky relationships can be loving relationships), then your relationship may just need a helping hand.
People usually associate relationships that need help as relationships that are weak, or on the verge of ending.
This is not the case.
You see, relationships are give and take.
Even the most loving relationships can end up with more give or take on one side at some time.
This causes disputes and silent negativity, and nobody really knows exactly what happened.
After a while, the relationship is in jeopardy.
If you find yourself in a "can't live with them, can't life without them" type of relationship, you may just need to find a way to balance out the "give" and the "take" in your relationship.
Many long term relationships face this problem.
A quick way to do this is to communicate with your partner your frustrations.
Be honest and don't be angry, and encourage your partner to do the same.
You both should share an example of what it is that made you frustrated last, then open the floor to suggestions on how to improve that.
Communication is very key to any lasting relationship.

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