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How To Stay Safe On Facebook And Protect Your PC From Spyware

When you browse of Facebook, you never think of being at risk of getting dangerous spyware and malware.
But this is a serious risk that is increasingly growing as there are over 120 million Facebook users in North America and over 500 million Facebook users globally who are relying more and more on Facebook as a means of communication.
Because of its popularity, Facebook is seemingly safe and the public has let down their guard when they are exploring various external links that they find on Facebook.
But the reality is that hackers know about this tendency and they aggressively capitalize on it.
Those Facebook users who do not have anti spyware or malware protection programs are at a very high risk without even realizing it.
The easiest way to tell if your computer has fallen prey to a Facebook spyware is to check if spam messages are being sent out by your account.
These spam messages can spread through status updates, posts on friends' walls, private messages, or even through Facebook chat messages.
These spam messages may contain links to videos or it may appear that you are asking your friends for money.
In order to have spyware protection, it is important to know how to avoid the spyware and malware that they unintentionally contract through clicking to various links and external websites from Facebook.
The most common ways such spyware and malware are contracted are clicking on a link sent by a friend or downloading a program infected with spyware.
However, there are several other ways a spyware may be targeting your computer.
Hackers try to infect your computer by sending out an email from "Facebook" regarding a password reset.
If you have not requested a password reset and you receive this email, do not proceed.
Some groups on Facebook require you to download a program in order to view their content.
Continue with caution, as this is most likely a spyware.
If a Facebook spyware has already infected your computer, it is essential that it be removed as soon as possible.
A good spyware removal or spyware defense program will be sufficient and will help protect you.
You definitely need to have spyware protection and defense if you have younger children using Facebook and you need to educate them with the knowledge used to avoid spyware and other dangerous malware on the Internet.
The best initial defense from spyware is to use common sense - if there is any doubt in your mind about the legitimacy of a particular message, do not click the link.
Keep an eye on your friends' communications and warn them if it appears that they have come into contact with a Facebook spyware.
But the best way to do it is to automate your defense with anti spyware and malware protection software that is technically advanced to protect you at all times.

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