Health & Medical Acne

Squeezing Lip Zits

Part of the problem with teenagers and the acne epidemic lies in a concept known as self-control.
Although many of them realize that acne is a fact of life at some point, they refuse to let it run its course.
There is nothing wrong with this, but the approach many of them take in tackling the disorder is seriously flawed.
This approach is none other than pimple popping.
By simply applying equal amounts of pressure to each side of an acne lesion, you can get rid of the problem forever and continue on with your life - or so the theory goes.
Unfortunately, this is not the case.
Pimple squeezing can have some serious ramifications, some as minor as another outbreak in the same area, to something more serious like acne scarring.
Lip zits remain what some might consider uncharted territory in the acne debacle.
They plague hundreds of thousands of teens on a daily basis, yet they receive little attention online and elsewhere.
Few people seem capable of pointing out the source of their lip acne.
Most of the time, it's because their hormones were somehow involved.
Although this region of the body does get exposed to fair amount of bacteria, from constant touching and whatnot, the lower extremities of the face tend to be very susceptible to hormonal acne - which can be influenced by what we eat to our sleeping habits.
This raises some concern, as hormonal lesions (which tend to be inflamed, closed comedones) can cause scarring quite easily when squeezed.
Even if scarring could be avoided, there is the issue of bacteria seepage into the mouth.
Do you want the puss from within your zit, usually a combination of skin cells, bacteria, and sebum, to make it way inside your mouth? This obviously can pose a significant health hazard.
The bottom line is that lip acne best remains treated through tried and tested methods like face cleansing and medicinal use.
Squeezing and poking at pimples is a ticket to nowhere, and thus best avoided.

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