Health & Medical Acne

Acne Cleansers and Other Products - Do They Really Work?

In this article you'll learn all about acne products, what they do for acne, and an honest opinion on whether you should use them.
In the many years of suffering from acne I tried many acne products.
I tried cleansers like clearasil and proactiv, and these didn't really help me.
The theory on why they might work for you is that they remove dead skin cells and excess oil that can lead to acne.
Do they address the reason why you get excess oil in the first place? No.
But they can be effective for those with VERY mild acne.
What about BP? This can cause burning and very dry skin.
In my experience it was good for reducing a zit in the short term, but after a few weeks I found my skin looked terrible, very dry and I was breaking out more than ever due to the BP.
There are many herbal acne products to apply to the face.
These have various different theories on why they help acne.
Unfortunately I found they didn't really help me.
It really didn't matter what I tried to apply to my face, my acne stayed put.
I also tried something called light therapy.
This helped somewhat, but was very time consuming and didnt totally clear my acne.
Worth a try maybe, but there are better ways in my opinion.
The way I successfully treat my acne these days is by avoiding foods known to be the cause of acne.
For example, avoiding vegetable oil helped me clear up my acne DRAMATICALLY.
For more information on how to clear your acne visit my website now.

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