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Companion Plants for Brown Carex Grass

    • Carex comes in a range of colors, forms and textures and is used as ornamental grass in landscapes either in combination with other plants or by themselves. Carex flagellifera is a brown colored variety of carex with slender, sweeping bronze foliage. The grass is hardy in U.S Department of Agriculture Zones 7 to 10 and grows up to 2 feet tall with a moderate growth rate.


    • Use carex as a groundcover under shade-tolerant viburnums. Viburnums are a large group of evergreen or deciduous small trees and shrubs. The plants bloom with large clusters of fragrant flowers followed by bright fruit. Evergreen viburnums are grown mostly for their foliage. The plants adapt to a range of soil types and growing zones, and tolerate acidic or alkaline soils. Viburnums prefer a fertile, heavy soil, regular watering and areas of afternoon shade. The plants are popular as hedges, specimen plants and ornamental flowering shrubs.


    • The short height of brown carex or carex flagellifera makes it a good groundcover choice and companion plant to use under dogwoods, according to Minnesota Gardener's Guide. Dogwoods are deciduous shrubs or trees with a variety of sizes and growing zones depending on the species. The plants are grown for spring and fall color and grow best in areas of partial shade. Dogwoods need ample watering and grow best in fertile, acidic soils.


    • Brown carex grass varieties such as carex flagellifera pair well with bright colored perennials such as coleus, according to the Indiana Gardener's Guide. The majority of coleus from among 200 different varieties are evergreen succulents with a height of 1 to 6 feet. The plants are grown for their vividly patterned, bright colored 1 to 8 inch long foliage. Coleus colors include red, maroon, yellow, purple, violet and pink. Coleus grow best in areas of sun or shade and in a well-drained, light soil. Water plant regularly. Coleus are easily propagated with cuttings.

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