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How to Make a Smoke Screen

Things You'll Need


Make Casual Smoke Screens


Pour the water in the tub.

Put the dry ice in the water, using mitts to protect your hands.

Mix the water and dry ice or use a ladle to spoon the water over it. In the tub, the water (H2O) combines with the dry ice (CO2) to make carbonic acid (H2CO3).

Make MacGyver's Smoke Screen


Put on the gas mask and goggles. The fumes from this reaction are toxic so be sure to wear your safety equipment and perform the experiment in a well ventilated area.

Pour a small amount of ammonia into the tub.

Add some hydrochloric acid and stand back until the reaction is finished. In the reaction, the ammonia (NH3) combines with the hydrochloric acid (HCl) to create ammonium chloride (NH4Cl).

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