Video: Maple Walnut Ice Cream Smoothie
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Rosie Battista from Sleeping Naked After 40, and I'm here on behalf of to show you how to make a walnut maple ice cream smoothie. And here we have our ingredients. And so, what we're going to do is we're going to start with the walnuts. We're going to put two tablespoons of walnuts. Actually, there's really no, no schooling up here and you don't really have to measure so much; but, just so you kind of get the idea at first, I'm going to just show you by measuring. We're going to put a little bit of vanilla, a teaspoon. We're going to put in four pitted dates for sweetness. We're going to put two tablespoons of shredded coconut. And the trick here is our bananas which are going to make creaminess that feels like ice cream and what I did was peel bananas yesterday and stock them in the, cut them into little pieces and put them in the freezer. So, that adds, instead of having to add ice which will add liquid, we're going to have a really thick ice cream like smoothie because of the frozen bananas. So, we're going to put them in. And then we have a little bit of almond milk just in case it's not really blending well, we can add this in and we'll see as we go. Guys you kind of want to watch how this works. Stick this in and I'm going to put my blender on. So, we're just going to add a little bit of liquid; less is always more when you're making an ice cream. We're just going to start with a teaspoon just to kind of, that's just a little drop and we'll stir it up a little bit more. And that's actually the consistency we want and we are done. So, let's see how our ice cream came out. Oh, that is just amazingly yummy. So, I have my ice cream scoop up and you can see that the smoothie is now exactly like ice cream. So, I'm going to take a beautiful glass and I'm going to put that right in there and you can see, that's amazing. More out. And then, oh my goodness, I cannot wait to try this one. It's a maple walnut ice cream smoothie. Oh my God, okay, this is absolutely amazing. Cheers to your health.