Cars & Vehicles Auto Insurance & Registration

Resolving Auto Insurance Claim Disputes

    • 1). Review your auto insurance policy to determine the procedure and time frame for filing a dispute on the claim. Ask your insurance agent to explain any of the language you do not understand and to find out how to obtain the necessary paperwork to file a claim. Gather any documentation you have regarding the claim, including personal photographs, repair estimates and any other information you have that supports your claim.

    • 2). Hire an independent adjuster to assess the damage to your vehicle. The insurance company's adjuster works for the insurance company and may have provided a low estimate to complete the necessary repairs. The independent adjuster works for you and your best interest. Once the adjuster has completed the assessment, have the report sent to both you and your insurance company.

    • 3). Request mediation of the claims dispute. The mediator is an independent third party that reviews the case and makes a recommendation regarding the claim amount. Mediation is beneficial because you do not have to hire counsel if you do not want to and it is typically cheaper and quicker than arbitration. The downside to mediation is that it is not binding. So even if the mediator sides with you, the insurance company is not legally obligated to pay.

    • 4). Proceed to arbitration if the independent adjuster and mediation do not resolve the claims dispute. You will need to hire an attorney to represent you in arbitration, making it a more expensive option. However, arbitration is faster than a court case and is legally binding. If the arbitrator finds in your favor, the insurance company is forced to pay.

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