Cars & Vehicles Auto Insurance & Registration

Monthly Car Insurance Policy


    • The difference between monthly car insurance coverage and regular coverage is that you can pay your six-month premium in installments, rather than all at once. Premiums for monthly car insurance are calculated by taking a motorist's six-month premium and dividing it by six, then adding any fees.


    • Many car insurance companies will charge a small monthly fee just for the privilege of paying the six-month premium in monthly installments. Sometimes this is disguised as a discount for motorists who pay their six-month premium in full.


    • There are many coverage options, ranging from full coverage, which covers almost anything resulting from an accident, to liability only, which covers only the damage you do to other people and property.


    • Most insurance companies will allow you to sign up for automatic monthly bank withdrawals or credit/debit card payments, to make your monthly payments less stressful. This service may require a small fee.

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