Health & Medical Acne

Dealing With Acne Effectively

There are plenty of myths flying around regarding acne and treating it effectively.
Due to the amount of varying information, those following advice can easily become confused, and unfortunately, in a lot of cases, the steps they try can even make their acne worse.
I've lived with acne for a number of years, as soon as I hit puberty within my youth, till I was 25 years old.
Like many, I also followed a great deal of varying advice, and buying various products, almost all of which had virtually no positive effect.
I don't look negatively on this period though, as my skin has become acne free, and I feel as if going through this period allowed me to build up my personal technique on how to approach it effectively, and it is this, that I would like to share with you today.
Unfortunately, some people are more susceptible to acne then others.
Teens in puberty will suffer acne because of their hormones racing around, and people with oily skin, like myself, will also be at risk of acne, due to the build up of dead skin cells that may block the pores.
I'd like to state firstly, that I don't have confidence in taking oral medication to cope with acne.
I'm not a fan of taking tablets, or medicines as they may affect other areas in your life.
I like to do things as naturally as is possible.
The very first thing I'd suggest to think about in relation to effectively treating acne, is to think about your daily diet.
Now, many people suggest that ones diet plays virtually no role in the production of acne, and I believe that to be total, and utter rubbish.
How can diet not play a part in acne? Anything you put in the body, is manifested by the body, and it'll present to you the results.
Eat a lot of unhealthy, fatty foods and you'll get fat, simple.
Regarding your daily diet, I want you to make certain you're drinking plenty of water, at least 2 litres every day.
Personally I target roughly 4 litres, but it is because I work out and play sports a lot, therefore i require it.
As stated, drink lots of water, but don't go over the top, as drinking a ridiculous amount of water can be as damaging as drinking not enough.
I additionally want you to stay away from sugary foods, so no chocolate, sweets, biscuits, cakes etc.
You should really stay clear of sugar as much as you can.
Get this point highlighted in your mind, so even while you do your weekly shop, you check the ingredients for every item you pick up to be sure it includes little to no sugar.
Stress also plays a part in acne, but unfortunately we can't always eradicate stress from our lives in the way in which we can sugar, it is not that simple.
You could have exams, coursework, have personal issues, or many different other considerations that are stressing you out, and it is not always simple to limit stress, but you should try as much as you'll be able to.
When considering actual products to make use of on your face, I have only a few suggestions.
I use a soap without any scent, and wash my face only 3 times a day.
Each morning when i wake, after my gym workout, and also at night before going to bed.
If you don't go to the gym or workout, wash your face only two times a day.
When I wash my face, I don't do it roughly, I do it gently, using the palms of my hands, and the process only takes roughly a minute.
Scrubbing away at the face isn't recommended as it may actually cause more acne, by damaging the skin, and spreading the bacteria from acne already on the face.
The second product I'd recommend is the panoxyl aquagel 2.
It's a liquid gel you rub into your hands, then rub onto the face.
I use this once a day, in the evening time, after my face wash.
I've noticed MASSIVE improvements by employing the product, and so have many other people.
The final product I'd recommend is a fantastic acne reducing, non matte moisturiser.
Personally, I use Garnier's version, but any non oily moisturiser will do.
I only moisturise twice a day, each morning after washing my face, and after washing my face after completing my workout session.
I don't moisturise after washing my face at night, as I've oily skin naturally, and I discover that my skin is like an oil slick the next morning if I do, and I also appear to be more susceptible to acne then as well.
These are the steps i have followed in an effort to rid myself of acne, which i have suffered for nearly 10 years.
Hopefully they can assist you in your acne fight too.

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