Cars & Vehicles Auto Insurance & Registration

Consumer Information on PIP Florida Car Insurance


    • PIP, also known as no-fault insurance, pays the medical bills of the vehicle owner and any occupants injured in a car accident, up to the coverage limit. If a passenger in your car has his own PIP coverage, his insurance will pay his costs. If you are on a bicycle or walking and are struck by a vehicle, this insurance is used to pay your medical bills. Your medical bills are paid by your insurance regardless of who is at fault.


    • Florida law requires every driver to purchase a minimum of $10,000 in PIP insurance for any registered vehicle. A driver must purchase a policy from an insurance company licensed to do business in Florida.


    • The Department of Highway and Motor Vehicles can suspend your license and vehicle registration for up to three years if you do not provide proof of insurance. To reinstate your license, you must pay a fine of $150 for your first violation. For subsequent violations, the fine can be up to $500.

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