Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Can You Really Make Money Drop Shipping

Many people ask 'can you really make money drop shipping?' and if fact, drop shipping is a very easy way for your to make money using the web, or catalogue sales. The primary reason that people get involved in the drop shipping business is that there is very little investment required to start up, which means that there is also a low risk, and so it is an attractive proposition for a lot of people.

The process of starting a drop shipping business is simple. All you need to do is advertise a product for sale, even although you don't have stock of the product. Then each time a customer makes a purchase, you place an order with your wholesale supplier who in turn packs the product and ships it to your customer. You then keep the difference between the price you sold the item for, and the cost that you paid your drop ship wholesale supplier. So can you really make money drop shipping? Well you can if you follow this simple process!

There are many outlets on the internet that offer this service, which means that all you need to get started is your computer. Many people use a wholesale liquidation source catalogue to find a wholesale supplier, but this isn't completely necessary as there are great wholesalers out there that you don't have to pay any money to find and use.

Unfortunately, the popularity of wholesale liquidation source catalogues has seen more people cash in on the trend and simply sell this information which is freely available if you do a little research. A lot of people have been attracted to the drop shipping business as it negates the need for large amounts of start up cash. If you are smart about the supplier that you pick, you don't have to worry about too much competition, as a good wholesale source will offer such a wide range of products that you can easily switch if the market becomes too crowded.

One deterrent to using a drop ship wholesale supplier is when they are located overseas. It's much better to find a supplier located domestically, as it can save considerable amounts on shipping costs, which make your products more appealing to your customers.

Can you really make money drop shipping if you use a foreign wholesaler? Well that point is debatable and you would have to be very careful that they are prompt to ship and don't overcharge. Many suppliers listed in wholesale liquidation source catalogues will be based overseas, but if you can save money and get better service using a US based wholesale source, wouldn't you be better to do that?

Before you start, make sure that you can trust your wholesale supplier and that you are getting a good range of high quality products. These are really the two key ingredients to success in online business. Whether you decide to sell products on eBay or in your own online store, you'll be surprise at just how easy it is to make sales and start earning a healthy profit.

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