Web Promotion Factors Include The Overall Motivation For Optimizing A Website
First of all web promotion factors include the overall motivation for optimizing a website. What do you want to achieve like more sales, more subscribers, more traffic or more publicity etc. Then decide on the time frame and budget for the project. Appoint the suitable person responsible for the project. more visit to :-www.google-friendly-page.com Also define whether project is joint or solo project and whether it is entire in house or outsourced.Now the major is to determine the web promotion factors based on project requirements. These includes 1) The technology used to build the site like flash, php, frames, coldfusion, javascript and CSS etc. 2) The file extensions of the pages (i.e htm, php, cfm etc.)3.)Does the site contain database driven content as in case of most dynamic websites or it is a simple static website.4.) There should be at least 250 words of text on the home page and other pages to be optimized.5.) Define the navigation works of the website. You can use text links, graphical links or JavaScript drop down menus.
6.) Decide the number of pages the website will contain. And how many of these need to be optimized.7.) Make the site map for website if there is not one. Also make the xml sitemap to be submitted to Google.8.) Define the current link popularity of the website.
9.) See the approximate page rank of the website and see how it will get benefit from the link building.10) Edit the source directly whenever required. for visit to:-www.15-ways-to-boost-website-response.com In case it seems complicated for you, hand it over the optimized code to regular programmers for integration.
11.) See the products and services that are promoted by the website It can be any like mobile phones, cars etc.12) See the geographical target markets for the website. Determine whether they are global, country specific, state specific or town specific.
13.) See the website demographic target markets like males, young females, working mothers etc.14.) Define the search keywords or phrases that the targets markets often use to find the site in search engines.15.) Who are the client's major online competitors? See their websites and search which keywords they are targeting.
16.) Which traffic logs or statistics are required to track visitor's activity during the campaign? Specifically which visitor activity will be there for tracking?
17) What are plans to track client conversion rates and increase rankings in the search engines?18) What are client's expectation for website optimization and see if they are realistic or not? 19.) How to report to the owners or the shareholders of the website?
Thus these are the general factors for optimizing a website. Also see about the target markets, and see how compatible the existing site is for search engine optimization and how much work is involved in its search engine optimization process.
6.) Decide the number of pages the website will contain. And how many of these need to be optimized.7.) Make the site map for website if there is not one. Also make the xml sitemap to be submitted to Google.8.) Define the current link popularity of the website.
9.) See the approximate page rank of the website and see how it will get benefit from the link building.10) Edit the source directly whenever required. for visit to:-www.15-ways-to-boost-website-response.com In case it seems complicated for you, hand it over the optimized code to regular programmers for integration.
11.) See the products and services that are promoted by the website It can be any like mobile phones, cars etc.12) See the geographical target markets for the website. Determine whether they are global, country specific, state specific or town specific.
13.) See the website demographic target markets like males, young females, working mothers etc.14.) Define the search keywords or phrases that the targets markets often use to find the site in search engines.15.) Who are the client's major online competitors? See their websites and search which keywords they are targeting.
16.) Which traffic logs or statistics are required to track visitor's activity during the campaign? Specifically which visitor activity will be there for tracking?
17) What are plans to track client conversion rates and increase rankings in the search engines?18) What are client's expectation for website optimization and see if they are realistic or not? 19.) How to report to the owners or the shareholders of the website?
Thus these are the general factors for optimizing a website. Also see about the target markets, and see how compatible the existing site is for search engine optimization and how much work is involved in its search engine optimization process.