Your Waist Measurement Can Tell You If You Could Be On A Path To Diabetes
Everywhere we look in the supermarket the shelves are groaning under the weight of unhealthy and heavily processed food items that do nothing to make or keep us healthy.
In fact by consuming these foods it leaves less room for the good stuff that can keep us healthy, slim and disease free.
Things like soft drinks, biscuits, cakes, potato and grain chips, sweets and candy, food bars that pretend to be healthy and hundreds of other processed items in pretty boxes with zero nutrition that we seem to be eating as part of our daily diet.
These things really should only be an occasional treat rather than something that is regularly in your healthy diet.
If we continue to eat these high sugar and high fat unhealthy refined carbohydrate foods over a period of years our cells can become poor at processing those large amounts of sugar in the blood and become 'insulin resistant'.
Becoming resistant to insulin occurs when the body's cells resist the high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood.
Unable to enter the body's cells the glucose causes damage to blood vessels and other tissues and organs were it can end up.
The pancreas continues to make more insulin to try and clear the blood stream but the body's cells persist in being unresponsive to the insulin.
So you now have high blood sugar levels and high insulin levels, which is a ticking health bomb.
One of the problems with this is that you may not be aware of this situation and it make take a blood test to confirm it.
But one of the signs is that you have become overweight and your midsection measures over 35 inches for a woman and over 40 inches for a man.
You may also feel tired and 'brain foggy' in the afternoons after lunch and have regular cravings for sweet and starchy food.
You may also not be hungry in the morning at breakfast time.
You can be in a pre-diabetes state for years and progress right through to the devastating disease diabetes without even realizing it.
The damage that has been done to your body from nutritional disorders has been happening for a very long time in a silent hidden kind of way.
If you have any of these symptoms you can immediately take action and reverse this situation.
A proper program of strength training exercise 2-3 times a week is a big piece of the puzzle that you have control over.
As glucose (sugar) in the blood is sent in to the muscles for use as fuel the most important thing you can do is get your muscles directly working as hard as possible.
This will use lots of glucose harmlessly removing it from the blood where it is piled up with nowhere to go inflicting damage to your body.
The next most important thing is to ditch as much processed food as possible and replace it with natural whole foods that you cook from scratch.
Eat 4-6 small meals throughout the day every 3 hours.
Each of these meals should have a portion of high quality protein and lots of vegetable.
Prepare these meals the night before and take them with you wherever you go during the day.
You will need to plan and think ahead to achieve this change in your eating and it will take some effort on your part.
But if you have been taking the easy way out for years to save yourself the bother of cooking and preparing now is the time you need to pay the piper otherwise you risk years or even decades being shaved off your life which is not a good option for anyone.
In fact by consuming these foods it leaves less room for the good stuff that can keep us healthy, slim and disease free.
Things like soft drinks, biscuits, cakes, potato and grain chips, sweets and candy, food bars that pretend to be healthy and hundreds of other processed items in pretty boxes with zero nutrition that we seem to be eating as part of our daily diet.
These things really should only be an occasional treat rather than something that is regularly in your healthy diet.
If we continue to eat these high sugar and high fat unhealthy refined carbohydrate foods over a period of years our cells can become poor at processing those large amounts of sugar in the blood and become 'insulin resistant'.
Becoming resistant to insulin occurs when the body's cells resist the high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood.
Unable to enter the body's cells the glucose causes damage to blood vessels and other tissues and organs were it can end up.
The pancreas continues to make more insulin to try and clear the blood stream but the body's cells persist in being unresponsive to the insulin.
So you now have high blood sugar levels and high insulin levels, which is a ticking health bomb.
One of the problems with this is that you may not be aware of this situation and it make take a blood test to confirm it.
But one of the signs is that you have become overweight and your midsection measures over 35 inches for a woman and over 40 inches for a man.
You may also feel tired and 'brain foggy' in the afternoons after lunch and have regular cravings for sweet and starchy food.
You may also not be hungry in the morning at breakfast time.
You can be in a pre-diabetes state for years and progress right through to the devastating disease diabetes without even realizing it.
The damage that has been done to your body from nutritional disorders has been happening for a very long time in a silent hidden kind of way.
If you have any of these symptoms you can immediately take action and reverse this situation.
A proper program of strength training exercise 2-3 times a week is a big piece of the puzzle that you have control over.
As glucose (sugar) in the blood is sent in to the muscles for use as fuel the most important thing you can do is get your muscles directly working as hard as possible.
This will use lots of glucose harmlessly removing it from the blood where it is piled up with nowhere to go inflicting damage to your body.
The next most important thing is to ditch as much processed food as possible and replace it with natural whole foods that you cook from scratch.
Eat 4-6 small meals throughout the day every 3 hours.
Each of these meals should have a portion of high quality protein and lots of vegetable.
Prepare these meals the night before and take them with you wherever you go during the day.
You will need to plan and think ahead to achieve this change in your eating and it will take some effort on your part.
But if you have been taking the easy way out for years to save yourself the bother of cooking and preparing now is the time you need to pay the piper otherwise you risk years or even decades being shaved off your life which is not a good option for anyone.