Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Male Pattern Hair Loss its causes and solutions

Male pattern hair loss is probably one of the biggest problems confronted by men who're already in the advanced aging process. According to several studies, age is not a significant factor that causes male pattern hair loss because there have been many cases that involved younger persons. However, this problem may be very evident among men aged 60 and up.It is known that the quantity of androgen in the body has a lot to do with male pattern hair loss. This hormone is in charge of the standard development of men. Scientists agree that hormones are not only the main cause of the problem.

There are certain conditions that lead to male pattern hair loss such as metabolic problem, overweight, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and prostate cancer. Androgen directly affects the lower levels of male fertility and balding among men.DHT or dihydrotestosterone is known as an androgen and at the same time a potent testosterone type. When the body converts testosterone, DHT is produced. An enzyme helps in the transformation of testosterone and that is called 5-alpha reductase. Androgen, testosterone, and the enzyme are exclusively related to each other and together they result in hair loss.

By using a DHT blocker, hair loss or male pattern baldness can be prevented. You can find a variety of DHT blockers online. These products deal with the root cause of male pattern baldness however you should be informed that the results of these products are not the same all throughout. It may work for some consumers but will not be as helpful for others.Male pattern hair loss is also considered to be genetic in nature. You can certainly tell if you have male pattern hair loss if you experience crown hair thinning, bald patches, and saddest, complete baldness.

There are plenty of treatments and hair loss products available in the market these days. However, by identifying the real cause of male pattern hair loss, your personal doctor can prescribe the right treatment suited to your condition.If both sides of the family have histories of male pattern hair loss, there's a bigger possibility for male members to have the condition. There is no known cure for male pattern hair loss therefore if you are not comfortable seeing your hair recede, you can use medications, topical treatments, perhaps even undergo surgery to re-grow your hair.

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