Health & Medical Anti Aging

Live Longer - Discover How Without Really Trying

How do vegetarians live longer? Well READ this article before you;
  1. Re-order your monthly dose of Tibetan Goji Juice,
  2. Go off for a 20km run,
  3. Book a spa retreat so you can meditate like a Zen Monk.
Just throw those ideas out the window for the next 10 minutes! Unfortunately living to a 100 is still guess work but we do have some control over our longevity.
You might not want to live that long but hey everyone's goal should be striving to have an excellent quality of life for as long as possible.
But what we do know about living longer comes from a combination of 10% genetics, 20% family history and 70% lifestyle choices which is the only part we can control.
I like to use historically based data.
Finding trends in historical data usually provides a reliable forecast for the future.
As an example for using historical data lets say we study athletes competing at the Olympics.
We observe If you want to look skinny...
train like a marathon runner...
if you want to look muscular and buffed...
train like a 100m sprinter.
That's the idea.
Although life expectancy is approximately 78, reality is our bodies ( muscles, cells, joints, organs etc) will probably fall apart mechanically by the time we get to 100, however we are able to do things that keeps us in good working order mentally and physically.
HISTORICAL DATA - Population The population of Sardinia, Italy, has a very high number of 100 year olds;
  • Their diets are mostly plant-based foods such as vegetables, legumes, and nuts.
  • Meat like lamb, pork, oily fish, and shellfish is consumed about 1-2 times per week.
  • Desserts usually is some cheese and fresh fruit.
  • They live a simply and are active daily.
    Walking long distances is common day event.
  • There was no structured exercise i.
    e none of them went to the Gym so being functionally active was enough.
  • Obesity was minimal.
  • The one I like the best is that they drink a dark red wine called Cannonau which has 3 times the amount of polyphenols than any other wine.
In Okinawa, Japan.
Another country of 100 old living people;
  • They have mainly a plant-based diet.
    So maybe being a vegetarian helps to live longer?
  • They eat a high amount of tofu.
  • Another interesting point is how they eat it.
    Their food plates are very small plates, so they eat fewer calories at every sitting.
  • They do not mindlessly eat, they serve out the food portions on the plate, the food is put away, and then brought to the table.
  • They didn't seem to be overly stressed.
    Stress causes an inflammatory response which is associated with various diseases.
    Slowing down for part of the day (even just walking around) and you turn that inflammatory state into an anti-inflammatory state.
  • They never spoke of retirement they seem to know what to do each day.
    Don't be so quick to look forward to your retirement, studies have proven retirement to be quite a fatal time.
A philosophy they follow before their meal is to; Remind themselves to stop eating when their are nearly full.
The fullness signal takes about half an hour to travel from your stomach to your brain.
HISTORICAL DATA - Survey In 1981, researchers began a study on aging of 2,300 healthy men of average 70 plus years.
The men participated in annual surveys detailing lifestyle and health.
The result is 42% made it to the 90s having similar habits and behaviors that helped them live longer.
They were;
  • Non-smokers were twice as likely to see 90 as smokers.
  • Diabetics had an 86% increase in a chance of death before 90.
  • Obese people had a 44% increase in the chance of death before age 90.
  • High blood pressure increased the death threats before 90 by 28%.
  • Men who exercise reduced their death risk before 90 by 20 to 30%.
  • Be Active Daily (if not then go to the Gym to make up for it, but it doesn't need to be excessive)
  • Don't get stressed to often ( you need to chill out some part of the day, I like using Yoga)
  • Eat more vegetables than meat (meat provides some great nutrients for the body, you only need about 200g per week)
  • Maintain a healthy weight (Don't over eat)
  • Avoid Diabetes, ( Healthy nutrition and exercise will take care of that)
  • Don't Smoke ( No need to comment really)
  • Drinking alcohol (in moderation at the most, red wine or white spirits straight are the best)
  • Have a sense of purpose.
    (You need a reason to get up every day).
So may not want to be a vegetarian to live longer but there are many other things you can do.

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