Health & Medical Eating & Food

Powdered Whey & Lecithin for Bread Making


    • Lecithin is a fat-based compound known as a phospholipid and is naturally produced by the human body to support the circulatory system. Food-grade lecithin is most often sourced from soybeans or egg yolks and is used to help make bread products lighter and moister with a longer shelf life.

    Powdered Whey

    • Powdered whey is a byproduct of cheese making and contains vitamins, minerals and protein. Powdered whey is used to enhance the nutrient profile of bakery products, including breads, tortillas, cookies and crackers, by boosting the protein content. Powdered whey typically replaces flour in a bread recipe, although it is sometimes used to replace the fat component or as an additional ingredient.


    • Individuals who are allergic to soy products will also likely be sensitive to soy-based lecithin and should avoid consuming any products containing the compound. Since whey is a byproduct of cheese making, it contains residual milk sugars known as lactose. Those who are sensitive or intolerant to lactose should avoid consuming bread or other bakery products containing powdered or liquid whey (also often called whey concentrate or whey isolate).

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