Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

When Raw Food Isn"t Really Raw

Raw means uncooked or not heated past 106 degrees.
It means not subjected to radiation other than natural sunlight.
And for purposes of a raw food diet, it must also include truly organic food - grown in rich soil in harmony with nature's laws, not artificially fertilized or chemically sprayed, not genetically altered, and not coated with petroleum based varnishes and waxes to facilitate storage and transportation.
Now lets take a look at the standard raw food consumption.
  • Orchard fruits (apples, oranges, cherries, nectarines, peaches, apricots, etc.
    ) - typically grown in mono-culture (only one variety), which makes the trees, and crops susceptible to diseases and pests as it depletes soil nutrients, which in turn necessitates the use of pesticides.
    98% of average grocery store apples have the highest rates of pesticide contamination (or the breakdown products) of all fruits.
    In some samples tested by the USDA, 36 different pesticides were found on one sampling.
    In addition, some orchards are bare ground orchards, which requires the use of herbicides to kill weeds.
    A number of these pesticide-laden fruits are coated with a combination of waxes and varnishes to keep them from bruising easily during handling and transport and to extend storage time.
    Those that aren't coated are picked green and gassed right before shipping in order to ripen them.
    These production methods result in fruit that is nutritionally substandard and downright toxic.
    So that apple a day that used to keep the doctor away is now more likely to send you in his/her direction with some mysterious ailment.
  • Salad greens (lettuces, spinach) - Iceberg lettuce, one of the most popular head lettuces, has been so hybridized that it not only has no nutritional value, but for a lot of people it congests the colon instead of cleaning it out, like green leafy vegetables are supposed to do.
    It was bred specifically for the restaurant business to withstand heat (on burgers) and exposure to air (large bin dispensing) without "rusting" or wilting.
    In other words, it was bred not to naturally break down.
    It's no surprise then, that it resists breaking down once it's in your body.
    Besides the usual cast of villainous chemicals that large-scale mono-crops are grown with, once it's harvested, all salad greens are irradiated, which automatically disqualifies them as strictly raw.
    This includes all packaged greens that are supposedly "organic".
    Not only that, the cellular changes that irradiation causes, transfer to the cells of your body when you ingest this food.
It's enough to make a person want to give up, but that will only result in escalating illnesses, escalating medical costs, and more environmental pollution.
If you want to take charge of your health, then continuing to do the same thing is not an option.
As Dr.
Phil would say, "How's that been workin' for ya'?" Your insistence on good quality nutritious foods, and voting for that with your dollars will help bring about those changes.
Going raw takes extra effort, but you're worth it.

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