The Various Dangerous Health Effects Of Obesity
For the one who is too heavy, there are lots of serious dangers to health and total well being. The annual cost is many tens of billions of dollars in the US for all the associated problems linked to obesity. You can include the multi-billion dollar a year amount that is used each year for diet related solutions. The US continues to be slowly putting on more weight with each passing year, or so it appears. What is additionally very well known are the many unhealthy foods and liquids so many people consume. There is certainly no secret that so many foods contain high sugar and fat content. We will discuss several of the negative consequences to health resulting from being obese.
One of the most significant repercussions of obesity is type 2 diabetes, and a lot more new instances appear annually. More younger people in their adolescent years are overweight, and doctors are seeing an upward spiral together with type 2 diabetes. Obesity is known to cause insulin resistance which is important and a precursor to higher levels of glucose levels. The problem is made much worse with daily consumption of increased amounts of sugar containing goods. Many institutions and people have tried to help make the general public aware of high fructose corn syrup in many drinks. There is just no comparison between high fructose corn syrup and processed sugar.
Other dangerous conditions which have been often seen involve destruction of certain joints in the body. The principal areas are the weight supporting joints including hips, knees and ankles. The severely obese person is also at elevated risk for joint issues such as osteoarthritis. However, the remedy is not always so simple as merely replacing a damaged joint. People who are not obese can normally have successful joint replacement surgery. Certainly only a physician will make the final determination for those with substantial weight problems. If a joint is changed, what can often occur are further side effects after the surgical procedure. The joint that was changed may begin to be mechanically unsound that is certainly highly undesireable.
There is increased risk for developing blood pressure problems when a person is obese. It would seem that almost every major function by the body processes is challenged. All of the excess fat that is present is living tissue, and thus it needs vital oxygen and also other nutritional needs. So that therefore causes the heart to work much harder so it can deliver what is needed. The basic net effect is to produce a condition of higher blood pressure. There can also be an increase in the heart rate as it works in reply to all that demand.
It is very clear that obesity is a condition that severely impacts all capabilities of the body. But our conversation here today is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all that is possible.
One of the most significant repercussions of obesity is type 2 diabetes, and a lot more new instances appear annually. More younger people in their adolescent years are overweight, and doctors are seeing an upward spiral together with type 2 diabetes. Obesity is known to cause insulin resistance which is important and a precursor to higher levels of glucose levels. The problem is made much worse with daily consumption of increased amounts of sugar containing goods. Many institutions and people have tried to help make the general public aware of high fructose corn syrup in many drinks. There is just no comparison between high fructose corn syrup and processed sugar.
Other dangerous conditions which have been often seen involve destruction of certain joints in the body. The principal areas are the weight supporting joints including hips, knees and ankles. The severely obese person is also at elevated risk for joint issues such as osteoarthritis. However, the remedy is not always so simple as merely replacing a damaged joint. People who are not obese can normally have successful joint replacement surgery. Certainly only a physician will make the final determination for those with substantial weight problems. If a joint is changed, what can often occur are further side effects after the surgical procedure. The joint that was changed may begin to be mechanically unsound that is certainly highly undesireable.
There is increased risk for developing blood pressure problems when a person is obese. It would seem that almost every major function by the body processes is challenged. All of the excess fat that is present is living tissue, and thus it needs vital oxygen and also other nutritional needs. So that therefore causes the heart to work much harder so it can deliver what is needed. The basic net effect is to produce a condition of higher blood pressure. There can also be an increase in the heart rate as it works in reply to all that demand.
It is very clear that obesity is a condition that severely impacts all capabilities of the body. But our conversation here today is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all that is possible.