Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Smoking Cessation Benefits: Trying To Stop Smoking? Read Now!

There are so many smoking cessation benefits that you will feel once you are finally able to give up for good.
In this article I want to go over a few of my favorites in the hope that they will act as inspiration for you.
I'm not going into all the medical stuff but I want to just give you the five BIG reasons for quitting that you can easily remember and keep in your mind every time you feel a craving.
Even if you have tried and failed in the past you should remember that for most people it takes three attempts to quit.
Never give up trying.
So what are the smoking cessation benefits you will encounter? * The first thing is obvious and it's that you will not only live much longer but you will also have a much better quality of life in the process.
I often get emails from smokers who say "why should I give up, I might get run over by a car tomorrow".
Well my answer is always the same, if you do get run over you will have much better chance to survive if you don't shovel smoke into your lungs everyday.
* OK this point kind of connect to the first by each time you light up you are shaving 5 to 20 minutes off you life.
What this means in real terms is that each cigarettes increases your chance of getting all manner of horrible disease.
So a major smoking cessation benefits I found was not having to feel guilty about that all the time.
* The next smoking cessation benefit we're going to look at is to do with your kids.
We all know that second hand smoke is just as much of a killer as the real thing.
But almost worse than that is the idea that if your kids see you smoke they will be much more likely to smoke when they are older.
Children have a inherent quality to copy their parents.
* The next one is all to do with cash.
When I gave up I started to notice that I was not running out of money so quickly at the end of the month, and I even had a little bit left over.
When I worked it out I was saving $600 a month! This was massive for me.
* The other benefit is for pregnant mums because you put your baby at risk every time you put a cigarettes in your mouth Final thoughts.
Not all of these will be relevant to everyone but just take what works and keep them at the top of your mind as you go into the most challenging situation.
I'm here anytime if you want to ask any questions.

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