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The Catholic church

The Catholic church cannot actually be seen with the naked eye, so we can't look at a building and say it is Catholic. In fact, the building is just a place to worship. We also must understand that the word "Church" doesn't refer to the actual building, but to the people.we see that whenever Jesus spoke about salvation, it was only, and only through Him. So, what does it mean to be Catholic? First of all, it's not going to service on Sunday (Which is very important of course). Going to service on a Sunday morning doesn't make you a christian, just like going to McDonald's doesn't make you a Hamburger. Secondly, it's not about water baptism (which is extremely important too) because the Apostle Paul said that Christ didn't send him to baptise, but to preach the Good News. Thirdly, it's not about turning over a new leaf. If that was the case, everyone could "improve" themselves here or there, but they would still have many imperfections. Fourthly, it's not about abstaining from sin. To be honest, we all sin each and every day. We all make mistakes, we all sin in thought, deed and action...each and everyday! So, if it's not about attending a service...not about getting baptised...not about giving up our old habits (which can be many!), then what is it? How do I join the Catholic Church. The answer is really simple. Christ has died and made the way for everyone to join. To enter you must simply: believe in the finished work of the cross. A patron saint medal is usually worn as pendant on necklace or chain. Patron saint medal was introduced to honor the Christian martyrs.Patron saint medals are a very popular thing to wear as a necklace, or to keep on your person at all times. People feel like the saint protects them, helps them through their day, or is simply there to comfort them when they have their medal on them. Some people simply wear patron saint medals because they were named after a certain saint. Whatever the reason may be, people all over the world wear these medals and there are some that have become more popular over the years than others.Patron saint medals [] as symbols of Christian faith and devotion are defiantly at odds with the materialism of the modern and very secular world.To wear a medal portraying the image of a person who long ago left this earthly life, but whom you believe can still have influence on your day-to-day activities, is considered ridiculous superstition by many, if not most, members of our materialistic society.Those who do not outright disdain the evidence of belief in saints may still to look askance at a St. Christopher medal hanging in a friend's car and feel some measure of awkwardness or even embarrassment.However, there was a time when faith in saints and the spiritual world they inhabit was as commonly accepted as the faith in the cycles of nature.Saint medals [] proclaim the belief that a particular person indeed lived a holy life in complete submission to God. And, furthermore, his or her submission was so total that from heaven this eternally alive person is able to dynamically interact with those here below.

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