Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Hair Replacement Surgery: As Good As the Real Thing

Follicular unit transplantation has created a revolution in the field of hair replacement. This kind of hair replacement surgery emulates the natural placement and look of the patient's hair. Moreover, one has the solace of seeing one's own hair growing on one's head. Apart from boosting one's confidence level, which usually suffers a setback due to hair loss, hair transplantations have several other benefits.

Hair Replacement Surgery: Plus Points
Although people have the option of choosing between surgical and non-surgical procedures for hair restoration, most opt for hair replacement surgery. This is because of the various benefits offered by the surgical procedure:

Permanence and quality: The advanced hair transplantation technique utilizes a method by which the baldness-resistant follicles from the sides and back portion of the head are grafted onto the front on a permanent basis. There is no danger of the hair falling out, since the transplanted hair is derived from that portion of the head that is not genetically inclined to hair fall. Moreover, the treatment emulates the natural hair growth pattern and allows greater fullness. This innovative, state-of-the-art technology has helped people in restoring their hairline.

Simple and short procedure: The surgical procedure is short and simple. Hair is removed and dissected from the follicular units by a process called ‘Uni Strand' TM Strip method. The grafts are then refrigerated while awaiting replacement in the thinning scalp area. Within a course of three months, you can see new hair sprouting in a location that had no hair at all.

No special maintenance required: In addition to the fact that the procedure works perfectly for both genders, one can also treat one's hair as casually as before. Brushing, hand combing, yanking, washing – one can engage in any kind of styling activity with one's transplanted hair.

Hair transplantation is all about placing hair from the donor site on to the recipient site. This hair maintains all its original characteristics, such as color, texture, curl and growth rate, despite the replacement. The grafted follicle's vitality is maintained by the blood supply to the scalp. Earlier, circular grafts comprising 15-20 hair were replaced resulting in noticeable changes. This has changed over the years due to the development of better instruments that aid in making finer incisions and less conspicuous stitches.

To get hair replacement surgery, make sure that you visit a reputed doctor. This factor is crucial to the wellbeing of your scalp. Check out the infrastructure of the clinic and the experience of the staff before making your final decision.

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