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How To Farm Gold In Cataclysm - 2 Useful Ideas That Don"t Consume Time

Do you know how to farm gold in Cataclysm? I mean, I'm sure you have, or at least you're thinking about a few methods, but how much time do they consume? Well, after reading this report, you'll know two methods that really don't consume a lot of time.
How to farm gold in Cataclysm - Method #1 There aren't many enchanting formulas in World of Warcraft that can be easily farmed.
For most of them, you either have to grind for hours or to kill raid bosses, content which we all know isn't quite accessible to everyone.
However, there's an enchanting formula that can be easily farmed even with a level 70 character, and takes about 3 minutes, per run.
I'm talking about the Formula: Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon.
This enchantment is not bad to use on Heirloom item if you cannot afford the Crusader enchantment.
The materials for it are extremely cheap, and you can sell a scroll of this enchantment for up to 100g.
This enchanting formula drops from Loremaster Loregrain, located inside Blackrock Depths, at the Shrine of Thaurissan.
It's not hard to get there, should take you about one or two minutes.
All you need to do is to go to Blackrock Depths, use the mole-machine inside, near the entrance and teleport at the are called "the Domicile" and follow the corridor south.
You will end up at the Shrine of Thaurissan.
The boss is at the end of the corridor.
If the trash on your way is grey to you, you shouldn't have any problem to avoid them.
Now the formula doesn't have 100% chance to drop, but in 5-runs, the maximum that you can do until the instance will lock, I usually get one or two of them.
All 5 runs never took me more than 15 minutes.
The formula sells for up to 500g.
How to farm gold in Cataclysm - Method #2 The second method on how to farm gold in Cataclysm, which isn't time-consuming and also very rewarding is Auction House trading.
It is my favorite method and this is the way I made my gold, in less than a week, for my Vial of the Sands.
If you learn exactly what's best to buy and resell for higher price on your server, you will make a lot of gold.
It doesn't require you to log in for more that 10-15 minutes per day and set new auctions or get the money from the items you sold from your mail.
Of course, to make huge profits this way, I had a little help.
I worked with a WoW gold guide and used a couple of Auction House addons to reduce the risks of losing my investments at minimum.
That's because just as in real life, brokerage and trading is risky.
Important: As I said, at least for me, the best method to make gold with little time invested is AH trading.

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