Business & Finance Outsourcing

Cut Operational Costs - Hiring Offshore Dedicated Resources

Hiring offshore resources for carrying out software development is becoming popular.
Hiring is simply an extension of your company's seamless extension at your outsourcing partner's offshore development center, where the focus is on long-term gains from offshore software and application development outsourcing.
Through dedicated facilities your partner can provide a continuous and cost effective solution with precise resources, equipment and infrastructure exclusively for your company with the best skill sets.
Hiring offshore programmers from India can cost your company somewhere between 16 - 20 USD depending on project complexity, skill set and resource experience required and can save approximately 60% of the cost including all facilities like workstation, internet, office equipments etc.
How it Works? Upon getting a requirement your outsourcing partner prepare the requirement profile.
This profile, which includes the desired qualifications in a person and required experience, is circulated among the human resource data banks.
Your outsourcing partner then provides you with a choice of resumes to narrow down the ideal candidate.
Once you have short listed, you can then interview them before final selection.
Normally a 1-year contract is desirable with minimum 4 resources commitment which makes it fair for the candidate as well as allows your company to choose from better candidates.
However, depending on project scope and complexity, the contract period can be negotiated.
Full time equivalent rate / Billing rate for 160 hrs / month, one year commitment are quoted to your company with every resume.
Advantages The cost to start your business is very low.
Immediate Access to IT expertise.
Project tracking.
Scalable results and development.
Fast tracking and crashing of resources.
Ideal for any team size.

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