Health & Medical Medicine

Understanding Hay Fever

Hay fever, also known as Allergic Rhinitis, is a common form of allergy that people have been suffering from for many decades. Health experts estimate that about 50 million people chronically suffer from this type of nasal allergy. If you frequently experience symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose, postnasal drip, red, swollen eyes and frequent colds, you could have Allergic Rhinitis. Oftentimes, it takes only small particles such as pollen to affect the human body in many ways. Some of these effects include:

- Throat itchiness that may be intermittent or continuous
- Laryngitis or hoarseness due to pollen affecting the larynx
- RAD or Reactive Airway Disease, a prolonged respiratory irritation characterized by difficulty breathing, chest tightness, wheezing and coughing
- Asthma attacks - often times, your doctor will diagnose RAD before he diagnoses asthma
- Postnasal drainage, which could lead to sore throat because of fluids flowing into and irritating the throat
- Nasal salute, particularly in young children; characterized by a red crease across the nose due to constant rubbing, wiping and scratching
- Allergic conjunctivitis, which can lead to redness, itchiness and teary eyes
- Darkened areas around the eyes
- Headaches
- General fatigue

Why symptoms occur
When exposed to foreign substances such as allergens, the immune system becomes hyper-sensitive and the body reacts. This is the same kind of reaction that happens when the human body is invaded by microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. Once the body is exposed to these types of allergens, it produces substances called histamines which causes inflammation, production of mucus and other symptoms associated with hay fever.

Causes of hay fever
Although pollen is the most common cause of allergies that lead to hay fever, there are other substances that can trigger symptoms as well. These include dust, molds, pet dander, insects and food. Although hay fever symptoms can easily be detected, proper diagnosis by a qualified physician is the best way for correct assessment of the condition.

Testing for hay fever allergies
The most common method of determining allergies is skin testing, wherein a minuscule amount of allergen is introduced into the skin to produce a reaction. The doctor will then try to determine if cross-sensitivity is present, such as when allergies are caused by varying substances with similar protein structures.

Controlling symptoms
As a first step, people with allergies are adviced to avoid or at least minimize contact with substances and items that may trigger an attack. It's also important to be aware of your environment and to perform tasks necessary to reduce allergens, avoid work that might aggravate your sensitive skin and protect your body. With the correct knowledge and treatment regarding Allergic Rhinitis, there is no reason why it cannot be managed efficiently.

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