Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

The Stunning Secret to Be Instantly More Attractive to Women

Guys, do you want to be instantly more attractive to us? You can start by reading this whole article.
You are about to get a woman's perspective on exactly what WE want from you! Think you're up for the challenge? Read on to see! The Stunning Secret To Be Instantly More Attractive To Women Be a Challenge...
Guys, it is human nature to want things we cannot have.
The problem with 95% of men is that they convey interest FAR too early in our interaction.
What I am talking about is this business of buying us drinks.
Don't get me wrong, I love when men buy me drinks.
I love getting drunk for free! But I will tell you something right now.
These are NOT the men I go home with at the end of the night.
It's not because these men are gross or anything of the sort.
Actually, a lot of them are good looking and have the confidence to boot.
The problem with them is that they are boring.
A guy only buys a woman a drink if he likes her.
Think about it, do you offer all your guy friends drinks just for being "good guys"? No way! When men buy us drinks, we know we have them wrapped around our finger.
This is anything BUT attractive.
The best thing to do is challenge us.
Go against the norms.
If you are in a conversation with a beautiful woman, ask HER to buy YOU a drink.
Now most of us probably won't buy you a drink, but think about this...
At the end of the night, who do you think we're going to be thinking about? The 12 guys who bought us drinks or the ONE MAN who told us to buy him one? Good job, you got it!

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