Health & Medical Mental Health

Flexibility For Mind and Body

Very deep within you is something called your Body/Mind.
It is intimately connected to your body and your thoughts.
Since your thoughts generate emotions, what you think about can have a tremendous effect on your body.
Fears and anxieties can make you tense.
Being stubborn and unwilling to change can show your inflexibility which can show up in your joints as stiffness and pain.
An inflexible mind can actually cripple you over time.
Most fear based actions are imprinted in the Body/Mind by a highly charged incident before the age of 5.
It imprints so strongly on the psyche that the person tries to maintain very tight control on what happens in their life.
Change is the enemy that must be conquered to be safe.
Change has unknown factors in it that can create fear and anxiety.
Courage drifts away as the challenge of change appears.
Inflexibility can take many forms.
You can be afraid to leave one job and start another one, because the new one could be fraught with the unknown.
This can cause stiffness and pain in the hips, lower back and legs as the mind tries to back the body out of this tense situation.
The body can actually get its back up and lock its legs like an unwilling child, creating pain in the knees and hips.
People who carry responsibility in a job may not like aspects of the job to change.
Because they shoulder the burden of responsibility for their portion of the job, shoulder and neck pain can result.
If they cannot widen their perspective about their job, their neck can get so stiff and sore, they can no longer turn their head.
The human mind can become rigid and form inflexible ideas about how the world should work.
When you freak out because you don't want to give up control, you get tense and stressed.
This tension blocks your ability to see whatever good can come out of letting go of the need to manipulate your world.
Stress is the foundational building block that literally blocks you from new opportunities that may be wonderful for you because you are blind to anything but your own security.
Your resistance can take many forms even to the point where you get lots of good ideas but you don't act on any of them.
That reluctance to act is one of the most debilitating forms of inflexibility, especially if you have to stick to the perceived plan, no matter what.
Your body will start to stiffen and will manifest pain where the energy is stuck.
Look around you.
Nature is always changing.
It's the way the world works.
New waves roll into a beach all the time, flowers bloom and die, leaves change color in the fall and emerge in the spring.
Nothing is ever the same.
Have you ever seen a dog that has lost a leg? It still walks and gets around and it does it because that's just the way it is.
If you can spring open the trap that has snapped shut and realize that things will change with you or without you.
Let go.
Realize that change is inevitable and you can't control everything.
Stressed and tense muscles and joints restrict what you can do.
It is much better to look for different alternatives that you can be comfortable with.
By shifting your thinking just a little bit you learn that you can control certain things and let go of others.
By realizing that you are safe even though things are changing your body will not be as rigid as your thoughts used to be.
By taking note of all the wonderful things that you have in your life right now, you will see how the downturn in the current economy has not changed those good things.
One of the Universal Laws states that when the pendulum swings to the left, it will eventually swing to the right.
Basically it means that everything is changing.
When it swings into a down turn in the economy, for example, it will eventually swing out.
When, is only predictable.
While the downturn exists, what can you create to make the downturn more bearable? Maybe you can split bulk-buy grocery items with your neighbors.
Now you've got to know them better where new friendships can result.
Maybe you can write a book on bargain hunting or cost-saving that you can sell on the internet.
Use your imagination to create good in your life and the lives of others.
You see, when you change the way you see the world, your world begins to change right in front of you.
You begin to loosen up and your body lets go of its tension and rigidity.
You start to see all kinds of opportunities right in front of you that were probably there all along and all you had to do was have the courage to change a little bit.

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