Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Your Neighborhood Gets Safer With Home Security Systems

Many people know that the safety of one's own home is determined not only by the features protecting the home itself, but also the neighborhood in which it is located. If you happen to live in some place that has a reputation for crime then it will be more dangerous and if you live some place that does not have that much crime it will be safer. The positive news for homeowners is that the reputation of a place can change if everyone makes a concerted effort to be able to make improvements for the better. In order to be able to do this there are a number of different steps that folks in the neighborhood should be taking in order to ensure that everything turns out smoothly. One such step, that will protect the home and the neighborhood, for there to be a mass investment in home security systems.

Within the field of security there is a theory of safety known as the Broken Windows Theory. Coming to prominence in the mid 90's due to the mayoralty of Rudy Giuliani, this theory states that the biggest indicator of future crime trends is actually the acceptance of small scale crime. According to the theory, if people are acceptant of small things like turnstile jumping and graffiti, then they will also begin to accept things that are larger in nature, until eventually major crimes are accepted. In order to counteract delinquency in New York City, Giuliani spent time rounding up small scale criminals and making sure that those crimes were dealt with. This has practical application to the level of safety in residential neighborhoods. Folks can begin to counteract the Broken Windows Theory by purchasing and installing home alarm systems in their homes in order to take a stand against crime and delinquency.

Much like the theory states, once many people decide that a behavior is an accepted thing it begins to spread within the populace. This is true of both positive and negative behaviors. If enough people get together to buy a home security system for their house, then the result will be a blanketing of the neighborhood with safety. Not only will people's homes be better protected via a company that can provide a 24/7 watch on one's home, but people's consciousnesses will also be raised to the point where they will be on greater lookout for potential problems in the neighborhood. When folks are aware of potential problems, then they will be more likely to take the right actions when confronted with dangerous situations.

There are many different things that can be done to increase one's level of security in a dangerous world, but none is more effective than being able to get a home alarm system. If you are also able to convince your neighbors of the wisdom of getting home security systems themselves, then you will be able to be moving in the direction of greater coverage in your neighborhood--which means that everyone will benefit with enhanced security.

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