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How to Care For a Jaboticaba Bonsai Tree

    • 1). Move your jaboticaba bonsai to an area of your home that receives partial sunlight. Jaboticaba trees prefer partial, but will do okay in full sunlight if they are consistently watered.

    • 2). Monitor the air temperature. Jaboticaba bonsai trees only thrive in tropical temperatures, including USDA Hardiness Zones 10 through 12, which do not, on average, experience temperatures below 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

    • 3). Water and feed frequently. Jaboticaba is salt intolerant and requires adequate watering on a regular basis. The soil's water level should be kept consistently and evenly moist. Feed jaboticaba an acid fertilizer for best results, although most plant foods will be tolerated.

    • 4). Prune any heavy-set branches on the upper area of the jaboticaba tree. If using wiring, keep the wires loose and only attach during the spring season.

    • 5). Check soil type and re-pot if necessary. Jaboticaba prefer rich, deep acidic soils such as azalea potting soil. Soil should be well-draining but able to retain a moist water level. If re-potting, only transport in warm weather. If the jaboticaba plant is healthy, you can trim 2/3 of the root.

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