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How to Store Band Saw Blades

    • 1). Don leather gloves to protect your hands from the sharp teeth that line the perimeter of band saw blades.

    • 2). Move to a location with ample room for you to stand with a blade resting on the floor in front of you. You can place smaller blades on a table or workbench.

    • 3). Hold the blade in front of you, teeth pointing away from your person. Put your dominant foot onto the bottom of the band saw blade. If you are folding a small blade, this step will be unnecessary.

    • 4). Grasp the blade with your dominant hand between your thumb and forefinger and twist the blade, counterclockwise. The blade will twist easily, but the larger the blade is, the more awkward this process will feel. The blade will naturally twist into rings that collapse together.

    • 5). Push these circular rings downward toward your foot that is stabilizing the bottom of the blade and gather all the rings.

    • 6). Gather the blade into your dominant hand and place it into the band saw blade storage holder.

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