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St. Augustine Delta Shade Grass


    • According to the University of Florida, IFAS Extension Delta Shade was released from Environmental Turf in 2005. While this variety of St.Augustinegrass has good tolerance to shade, it is not the most shade-tolerant type of St.Augustinegrass. Delta Shade has decent tolerance to cold weather, is light in color and has a course texture.


    • St. Augustinegrass is susceptible to take-all root rot, which affects all cultivars, including Delta Shade. This disease is caused by the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis, which lives in the soil. Take-all root rot is most severe on St. Augustinegrass when spring rains are heavy and frequent. Lawns that receive frequent fertilizing with nitrogen-rich fertilizers also suffer from severe take-all root rot. The symptoms associated with take-all root rot include yellowing of grass leaves in the spring and summer and yellowing of the entire lawn canopy. Grass may thin in circular patches and grass may gradually decline. While some St. Augustinegrass cultivars have been isolated from take-all root rot, Delta Shade does not have resistance to the disease.


    • Chinch bugs are the most damaging pests of St. Augustinegrass. Delta Shade is not known to have resistance to these insects. Captiva is the most tolerant St. Augustinegrass for chinch bugs. Chinch bugs measure 1/10 to 1/8 inches in length, have black bodies and shiny white wings. These bugs can produce up to 10 generations each year in warm climates. Chinch bugs feed on the plant juices in lawn grass, which kills grass and increases weed production. Lawn grass receiving frequent fertilizing with nitrogen rich fertilizers often suffer from severe chinch bug damage. Over-watering St. Augustinegrass can cause chinch bug infestations. Natural predatory insects help keep chinch bugs under control, including parasitic wasps, spiders and earwigs. Insecticides work best as a preventative treatment before damage is severe.


    • Proper maintenance of Delta Shade is necessary for healthy, green grass. 'DeltaShade' should be mowed to a height of 3.5 to 4 inches and requires irrigation during the hot summer months. Pesticides are necessary to prevent chinch bug damage. Controlling weeds is also important to reducing damage from pests and diseases.

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