Insurance Health Insurance

Medical Billing - Big Changes Ahead for 2007

There are many big changes ahead in the field of medical billing.
Be sure you're ready for 2007 by preparing ahead for these changes.
From NPI numbers to mandated electronic billing to the HCFA and UB92 forms becoming outdated, you will need to keep up with these changes to keep your office running smoothly.
First of all, HCFA 1500 and UB92 forms will become obsolete in April of 2007.
They will be replaced by the CMS 1500 and the UB04 which will have provision for provider NPI numbers.
As of January 1, 2007 we will be allowed to start using the new replacement for the HCFA 1500 and the UB92.
After April 2, 2007, we will no longer be able to submit claims on the HCFA 1500 or UB92 forms.
After May 23, 2007 claims that do not contain your NPI number will be denied.
NPInumbers must be obtained and used to bill insurance claims by May 23, 2007.
NPI numbers are easy to apply for but it should be done soon.
You can apply for your NPI number at https://nppes.
or call 1-800-465-3203 for a paper application Anyone who is a provider of medical services and is reimbursed by insurance companies needs to apply for their NPI.
Electronic submissions of medical insurance claims are becoming more and more important.
Some companies are mandating electronic submissions of not only primary but also secondary insurance claims.
In 1994 New York State enacted the Public Health Law Section 2807-e(4) requiring hospitals, outpatient clinics, and physicians to submit health care claims to third-party payers electronically, using electronic formats designated by the NYS Dept of Health.
Physicians who annually submit fewer than 1200 claims for direct payment were exempted from this requirement, by obtaining a waiver from the Dept of Health.
Many physicians' offices are receiving notices from Medicare that they will no longer accept their claims on paper.
These insurance claims must be sent electronically.
We've even seen instances of Medicare denying secondary claims which were not submitted electronically.
Make sure your office is prepared for all these changes to keep your cash flow from interruption.
Apply for your NPI number now if you don't already have it.
Make sure your claims are being sent electronically.
And be ready to change the format of your insurance claims to the new forms.
Copyright 2006 Alice Scott

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