Malware Removal Made Easy
Have you ever clicked on a link to a website and been immediately greeted with a pop-up decrying you must purchase this brand of antivirus software and not been able to get rid of it? Most computer users, naturally, click on the fake ad somewhere where it either says OK or Cancel and before they can count to ten, their pc has become infected with the latest spyware threat! Malware seems to be more prevalent than ever.
This is probably due to the fact that so many of us are continually connected to the internet; either by our home computers always being connected, with their always-on broadband connection or while away from home with our laptops.
What's worse, most of us keep our sensitive information, such as Social Security numbers, birth dates, bank account numbers, and addresses online.
Dealing and preventing malware infestations shouldn't be a struggle if you follow the these suggestions: First-things first: there's no excuse for not having an antivirus program.
There are two good ones I know of: AVG and Avira.
Make sure you keep your antivirus definitions up-to-date.
It never hurts to check once a week.
As far as free antimalware programs go, I prefer and use (in descending order) Malware Antibytes, SuperAntiSpyware, and Spyware Search&Destroy.
When malware strikes: When you suspect you've been hit by spyware, malware, or a virus, disconnect your computer from the network.
This can be done either by physically disconnecting the network cable plugged into the pc, manually switching off the wireless card (usually a slider on the side of the laptop) or a function key (Fn) such as F2.
Next, disable System Restore ( XP: Right-click My Computer > Properties > System Restore tab> Check Turn off System Restore.
For Vista/Win7: Right-click Computer > Properties > click System Protection > configure > Turn off system protection).
The reason we turn off System Restore is because some viruses simply restore themselves using it.
Have a look at Scheduled Tasks (XP: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Scheduled Tasks.
Vista/Win7: Start > search programs and files > Task > and select Task Scheduler > Task Scheduler Library) to see if anything looks like it doesn't belong there (executable programs with strange names like zzzyy.
exe, or something that just looks out of place).
Delete those ones that don't belong.
Check the Start folder (Start > Programs > Start up) to see if any unwanted programs are listed.
If they are, delete them.
Download MalwareBytes, install, and update it.
Run a Full Scan and let it do its thing.
When it finishes, remove all selected objects and reboot the pc.
Just to be on the safe side, run MalwareBytes once again and see if it catches anything.
Sometimes, to be extra certain, I will run Superantispyware as well.
If you're still experiencing problems reboot the computer and enter Safe Mode (press the F8 key a couple of times before the Windows screen appears).
Choose Safe Mode.
Safe Mode is a Windows mode that loads only a minimal set of drivers and programs.
Quite often, it's helpful to run a malware scan while in this reduced-functionality mode since it is rare for spyware to run in Safe Mode.
Finally, make sure you have a good backup solution.
Using these steps will help you avoid and get rid of perhaps 99% of your spyware/malware problems.
This is probably due to the fact that so many of us are continually connected to the internet; either by our home computers always being connected, with their always-on broadband connection or while away from home with our laptops.
What's worse, most of us keep our sensitive information, such as Social Security numbers, birth dates, bank account numbers, and addresses online.
Dealing and preventing malware infestations shouldn't be a struggle if you follow the these suggestions: First-things first: there's no excuse for not having an antivirus program.
There are two good ones I know of: AVG and Avira.
Make sure you keep your antivirus definitions up-to-date.
It never hurts to check once a week.
As far as free antimalware programs go, I prefer and use (in descending order) Malware Antibytes, SuperAntiSpyware, and Spyware Search&Destroy.
When malware strikes: When you suspect you've been hit by spyware, malware, or a virus, disconnect your computer from the network.
This can be done either by physically disconnecting the network cable plugged into the pc, manually switching off the wireless card (usually a slider on the side of the laptop) or a function key (Fn) such as F2.
Next, disable System Restore ( XP: Right-click My Computer > Properties > System Restore tab> Check Turn off System Restore.
For Vista/Win7: Right-click Computer > Properties > click System Protection > configure > Turn off system protection).
The reason we turn off System Restore is because some viruses simply restore themselves using it.
Have a look at Scheduled Tasks (XP: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Scheduled Tasks.
Vista/Win7: Start > search programs and files > Task > and select Task Scheduler > Task Scheduler Library) to see if anything looks like it doesn't belong there (executable programs with strange names like zzzyy.
exe, or something that just looks out of place).
Delete those ones that don't belong.
Check the Start folder (Start > Programs > Start up) to see if any unwanted programs are listed.
If they are, delete them.
Download MalwareBytes, install, and update it.
Run a Full Scan and let it do its thing.
When it finishes, remove all selected objects and reboot the pc.
Just to be on the safe side, run MalwareBytes once again and see if it catches anything.
Sometimes, to be extra certain, I will run Superantispyware as well.
If you're still experiencing problems reboot the computer and enter Safe Mode (press the F8 key a couple of times before the Windows screen appears).
Choose Safe Mode.
Safe Mode is a Windows mode that loads only a minimal set of drivers and programs.
Quite often, it's helpful to run a malware scan while in this reduced-functionality mode since it is rare for spyware to run in Safe Mode.
Finally, make sure you have a good backup solution.
Using these steps will help you avoid and get rid of perhaps 99% of your spyware/malware problems.